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#203 Halloween Party (Not what you'd expect) Jake Bruno has been avoiding Faith Robbins now for the better part of a week, and, for the life of him, he doesn't know why he's so afraid to see her. After all, didn't they share a so-called intimate encounter (even though he knew he couldn't remember it ever happening…)? Did she remember? How did she react? A simple phone call would have answered all these questions, but Jake didn't call. Why didn't he call her? Deep down, he knew the answer. He was afraid. Like a child. But what was he afraid of? Rejection? It has been known as fact for the better part of three years that she had a crush on him. There was no possible way she would reject him, was there? She seemed different now, in college, without the restricting boundaries of high school. Or, was he different and Faith had stayed the same? Through high school it had been the punchline to many a joke that she liked him (most of the jokes by Jake's then friend Peter Akinos). He stayed away from her, and then Nikki came along junior year. Nikki. He was afraid to call her, as well. Jake knew it was his fault they broke up, after what happened on Graduation day. Faith was there, too. It was her fault, too, in a way, he thought. It Faith hadn't done what she did then perhaps he'd still be together with Nikki, but, as it's said, that's ancient history. Faith had applied and gone to the same school as Jake and now, here she was, more a part of his life then ever. No Nikki, only Faith. And he was afraid to confront her about what happen in they're Poke-X celebration "party". He had gotten drunk, and, he guessed, in a moment of drunken stupor, made out with Faith Robbins and left a nice sized hicky on her neck and she did likewise to him. It's been tough avoiding her. He saw her and her hot roomie Trish in the Quad the other day. Why couldn't it had been Trish he made out with? Jake took different routes to class and back home to his dorm in avoiding Faith. Added an extra ten minutes sometimes, circling the whole campus. He was exhausted with the fear of her and still didn't know exactly why. Though, all his efforts in evasion had now been rendered usless, because, there she was, standing in front of him, in the lobby of the Recreation Center. Hot prickles spiked up his back and he began to sweat in his custom made "Brunbo" outfit. He wiped his brow and attempted a weak smile. "Uh," he managed, after a very very long half minute of standing there, "how, uh, ya doing, Faith?" ![]() "Sure", he smiled. He slowly walked away from them, megoth following behind him. "Chris," Kelly said, almost a whisper, "scout out. I'm looking for a girl named Mercedes, you know her, she lives upstairs from us in Faith's Quad…" megoth nodded in Kelly's direction. "Mercedes O'Gara, she's 18, a freshman. He major right now is Communications, as is most new coming freshman, but with her scores indicate that she has a knack for creativity and I wouldn't be…. wouldn't be surprised if she transfered to Art or Graphic Design by early next year or… or quite possibly late this semester. A real 'firecracker', if you will." Kelly stood for a second with megoth leaning on his shoulder. "Do you have scouting reports on everyone, megoth?" megoth was quiet for a second, as he usually is after any direct question, and finally he answered no, but Kelly didn't believe him. ![]() "I'm okay, Jake, yourself?", she answered, smiling. He doesn't know. This is gonna be fun. "So… uh… what's… um… up? I like your costume… Faith… Kitty Pryde, right?" "Um, no, it's actually from the Men-x or X-Men or something like that, her name is Shadowcat, I think." Jake smiled at this a little bit. She looked really good, and, after all, as with most, Kitty Pryde had been a favortie character of his. She came in a close second of female characters he'd… he shook the though from his head. Continue talking, Jake, don't show her how nervous you are… "Actually, Faith, Kitty Pryde is, uh, Shadowcat's real name…" Faith didn't feel stupid or embarrassed in anyway. "I like your costume too, Jake, who are you suppoed to be? B-man?" "Uh, no, uh, Brunbo… just a kinda joke I guess. I didn't feel like dressing up as Superman again… megoth made it for me… it's actually supposed to be super strong. I'm just hoping I don't have to run faster than a locomotive or make any leaping bounds, you… uh… know?" A moment of silence, Faith smiled though she wasn't sure if he had lost his mind or was referring to something she had no idea about. She glanced over to Kelly Rose. He was dressed in what looked like all black leather. His face was made-up with a pale green and she could see fake fangs (at least, she hoped they were fake) on the corner of his mouth. She realized for a second that he was of of the most attractive people she has ever seen. She shoock it off, though, it bothered her a little bit. "Isn't that right, Kelly?", she called over to him, knowing he wasn't paying them any attention. He looked over uninterestedly. He knew she knew, somehow, she thought. Damn. "Sure." Trish and Faith had gotten to the Rec Center early and scoped the place out. Trish sipped her punch as she glanced around the place like a hawk. Usually the school functions are for freshman or people who don't get invited to the good parties off campus, like the one she was at at the start of the year where some kid hit a girl and jumped out the window yelling something that sounded a lot like fuck but wasn't. She didn't actually see it, but she was there and heard about it from one of her friends. That was a good party. This, however, wasn't. That coupled with the fact that she had dressed up in something so uncomfortable she could hardly exhale without busting a seam. Shadowcat for Faith had been her idea because she knew that Jake liked comics and probably had a crush on that character, sort of like her ex back home Cory Daniels. She missed Cory. He was the only guy she had ever loved (the had been boyfriends after, but none as intense or as admired as Cory). He had moved into her house when they were together because of shit with his parents way back when. He remained there after she broke up with him after… after… it was too painful even to think about. They had almost gotten back together a couple of times (and acted like a couple on more than one time, even if she had a boyfriend at the time) but it never worked out in the end. One day, he simply left. Gone. She heard from some of the people he used to work with that he went out west to Vegas, but that was almost a year and a half ago, and she hadn't heard anything from him since. All for the better, she guessed, and decided to stop thinking about him because she was getting herself all depressed. She spotted Faith talking to Jake. Then she spotted Kelly Rose, who was talking to that fat kid who almost got them all killed. She walked slowly in her heels, taking a sip of the unspiked punch. The fat kid walked away after a breif exchange. Kelly was by himself. She walked over. ![]() He spotted Mercedes in the corner. She was there. She was talking to someone in a full Tigger costume. Recon mission completed, he grabbed a hunk of cheese and some punch and went to find Kelly again. "God, this music is awful", Jake Bruno said, referring to the trip hop version of "Monster Mash" that the DJ was so energetically spinning. "True", Faith replied. They had been playing the meaningless conversation game long enough. Jake, it appeared, had calmed down a lot. Why was he nervous, she thought. It didn't matter. She had decided no matter what happened, the posibility of her and Jake was more remote than, say, the Venutians invading Earth. That she was okay with. Playing him along like this was not okay. "Listen, Jake, we have to talk…" Jake stiffened up like a board. He started to sweat again, and his stomach started to misbehave. He felt an incredible adrenaline rush. This was it. "Um… you're right…" "We both know what happen last week, and I just wanted to tell you it's okay. Those… those things happen when people get drunk, and, I guess, we're better friends now because of it." Jake didn't know how to react. Better friends? But… "But Jake, I'm not going to read into it any more than that. A simple misunderstanding. Jake? You're pale, are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine… you're… you're right. A, uh, misunderstanding. Sure." "So, we cool now? I mean, I hate that you're avioding me… there's no need to. I don't bite…" Jake touched his neck, and smiled. Was he really okay with this? Didn't he want something more from her? Isn't that why he's been trying his best not to see her? He wasn't afraid of her rejection, he was afraid of her acceptation. Then again, he thought, there was Sarah… right? She smiled. That was funny, she thought. "Friends?", she said, extending her hand. He took it, and smiled back and he pulled her into a hug. "Friends." ![]() Kelly smiled into his punch, which tasted awful. "Aren't they cute? So, when did you tell her?" All of Trish's expectations and plans seemed to drop from her mind at that comment. She had vastly underestimated him, and now was, again, at his mercy. Damn him. Play his game. "Yesterday, she almost took a swing a me, but we're okay now. We are, of course, planning something awful for you, y'know." "I know. I'm expecting it. I think I know too. What were ya gonna do? Invite me into your room by making me believe in a threesome with you and Faith, only to tie me up and snap a picture of me naked and distribute around campus?" "Not exactly, but somewhere along those lines. We actually have a farm animal of sorts that we were gonna throw into the mix, but I guess it's all for shit now. Though, you can still borrow it if you want…" "Sheep or chicken?" "A chicken, but we have a picture of a sheep." Kelly was talking without really smiling, Trish wasn't sure whether he was joking or not. "I'll take the picture, when you're done with it, of course." "Sure. How… how did you know?" "I didn't. But thanks for confirming my idea", he turned and smiled at her. "Don't feel too bad, cutey, I wouldn't have gone anyway. Then again, if it was you and Mercy, then… perhaps… you would have gotten me…." "Oh, you like Mercy, eh? You know she's like totally into someone on your floor. I can tell ya, but it'll cost you…" "Really, then?" Faith and Jake separated, and Faith looked up into his eyes. Was she making the right decision? That hug… felt right. She didn't know anymore. Emotions flushed through her so fast she couldn't move for a second. Her eyes darted to the floor, and then back to Jake. He looked… he looked like he was feeling the same thing… "Faith… I'm gonna go find Kelly… hey… I'll… uh… catch ya later… okay?" "Sure", Faith managed. ![]() Kelly and Trish looked at Chris in almost a bored fashion. "What's up", Kelly said more as a comment than a question. "I found… I found what you were looking for." "Oh, okay, coordinacne?" "Southwest corner, by the Tigger suit. But… but Kelly… I know who is in that Tigger suit… It's…" "Joe", Kelly replied, eyes fixed on Megoth, and then on Trish, and then to the corner. Meanwhile, at one of the off campus parties, Sarah looked around at the modest sized apartment and did not see Jake Bruno. She asked a couple of the people at the place, and none of them knew who he was. Oh, she though, well. Mercedes smiled and laughed at Joe, who thought wearing a Tigger costume would make him more appealing to her. So far, it was working. Not more than a month ago her and her flatmate Shamecca ran interference on Joe as a favor that she owed her friend Trish. She wasn't exactly sure what they were supposed to do with him, but her and 'Mecca had improvised and had said they'd have a panty only party at his dorm if he was quiet. When they got there (while the rest of them were partying), ready to blow him off, he one upped them and instead they watched a movie she forgot the name of, drank some wine, and went home without having to remove an article of clothing as long as Joe could say they were in his room to all his friends at alt.starcraft.fan.chat.org something or other. He promised that he would make sure to mention that no contact was made, but they were in their panties none the less. Surprising enough to even herself, she ended up kinda liking him. So, here she was, feeling bad for poor Shamecca who was bed ridden with a early winter flu, flirting with Joe. She had asked a Kelly Rose to the Halloween Ball (she really didn't mind school functions, being that doesn't drink that much and she likes the music) and he said no, as did her friends Trish and Faith. She asked Karen and Amber, also known as the Wonder Twins, but they were going into the city to some rich guys house and probably won't be able to walk for a couple of days. Her costume, she thought, was maybe a bit too much, even for her. It was a last minute thought, and, as most last minute thoughts go, wasn't that successful. She had taken one of her old leotards, a flesh colored one, and drawn nipples on them. She had the appearance of being totally nude. Joe, she noticed, didn't seem to mind. "I'm sorry if I bore you with all this crap about computers and all that, but, like I said, it's one of the only things I'm good at…" "It's okay, Joe, I find it interesting. I don't know too much about it, so I hope you don't feel like your… your…", she paused, noticing who was coming up on them. It was Kelly. She looked back at Joe, "… your wasting your breath on me…" "Hello Joseph." Joe spun around and one of his Tigger ears flopped Kelly in the face. "Oh, hello Kelly Rose. Pleasant surprise to see you hear, and, let's say, not at some off campus party indulging in drugs and cheap liquor." Joe didn't seem to notice that the ear hit Kelly in the face. Kelly seemed to notice, though. "Why did you hit me with your ear?" "What do you mean?" "Your fucking tiger ear… smacked me in the face", megoth and Trish were far enough behind Kelly and Joe not to hear what was going on, but there was something in the way Kelly was standing that sent an alert to Trish. There was going to be a fight. Jake… where's Jake? "You… Chris, is it? Go get Jake, we're gonna have to get Kelly out of here, now…", she said to megoth, who also felt the tension that suddenly lit up the air, he nodded and disapered into the crowd. "No it didn't, Rose. Why don't you get lost, I'm trying to talk to my lady friend here…" Kelly grabbed the ear of the costume and pulled Joe along with it. Mercedes gasped. She couldn't even say anything. "Apologize…" Kelly Rose was wearing eye contacts that made his eyes a dark color, but, underneath, Kelly knew what was happening to them. He was, for some reason, enraged by this guy and his suit. He wasn't serious about the ear thing, sure, it was a plain as day accident, but… his lady friend?? No way. No FUCKING way. Joe reacted by swinging his arm around, breaking Kelly's grip and also ripping the ear clean off. "Get off me, are you crazy?" Joe took a step back and then pushed Kelly. Not the kind of push that would send anyone flying, but more of a feeler push to see what Kelly was going to do. He wasn't afraid of this black leather wearing pussy. Joe wasn't afraid of anyone, actually. Kelly held up the ear in his hand, he knew he had to control himself. Don't get too angry... don't get too mad... He looked at the ear, and then at Joe, who was standing his ground. Kelly heard Trish from behind him telling him to get out of there, but he didn't listen. He didn't see Mercedes, though he was sure if he had any chance with her it would be over by now. All he saw was Joe, who looked ready to throw down, and, a bit silly in what he was wearing. Kelly tossed the ear down and took a deep breath. "Listen," he said. "I'm sorry about that." Joe reacted in exactly the way Kelly anticipated. He let his guard down. "It's… it's okay, Rose, bygones be bygones… let's just…", Joe was interrupted by Kelly's hands pushing him on the chest, a blow so forceful and unexpected it sent him tumbling backwards onto the hard wood floor. Jake, on his way over with megoth and Faith trailing behind him, saw Kelly push Joe and Joe land hard. He was almost there. Joe got up, without hesitation, and righted himself. Kelly was smiling. "Okay, bygones are bygones." Merci looked at Trish who was rolling her eyes. "Come on, Kelly, let's get out of here, you made your point… this party sucks anyways. Please, let's go…" She put her arm around Kelly but he wasn't moving. The initial rush had passed over him, he was more calm. This is good, he thought, I'm controlling myself very well now. Kelly eyes examined Joe, who looked ready to strike, but also looked defeated. Kelly had one upped him. Would he throw a punch? Kelly doubted it, but he didn't want to leave until he made sure. "Save it for the competition", a voice came from behind Kelly, it was megoth, jake and faith were there too. Joe shook himself off. "Christopher. Please remove yourself and your goons from this party right now. I'm going to let this mishap go because it was mainly my fault, Rose, but I offer no apologies. I expect to be peaceful our next encounter. No need for physical violence, right?" Kelly was still smiling. "Sure." "Joseph, I was thinking about the impending Competition, I have selected my team, and am ready to go whenever you are. I suggest we do this as soon as possible." "Very well, Christopher, day after tomorrow. Now, leave." "Come on,Kell, let's get outta here, " Jake said, putting his hand on Kelly's shoulder, which was relaxed. Kelly turned around, and started to walk away. Faith, Jake, and megoth followed. Trish looked at Merci, shrugged, and then joined them. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
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EVERYTHING JAKE is TM & (C) 2000-2011 by Mike Rosenzweig. |