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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() and now for some fan words by Amy Lewis of http://www.livejournal.com/users/amurana/ After much arguing and three rounds of the new Harry Potter CCG Kelly convinced Megoth to play his games and go find some action. Kelly made sure Megoth stood a chance though, and managed to find a sweater that looked pretty decent on him and a pair of pants that didnt have some unidentifiable stain. Off to the mall. It was maddness. People everywhere searching for the perfect gift for the cheapest price. Kelly peered over his shades at the coffee hut and noticed a few sorority girls laughing it up. "Easy prey, my man. Over there." He grinned and turned to see the look on the big guys face, but he wasn't there. "Damn you..." Megoth had wandered over to a new gaming store that had opened up in time for the holiday rush. They had some old classics, and all the best sellers, but it was the figurines he was after. Top quality work. At least, that's what he was after until he heard a light giggle from the corner. It caught him off gaurd that he heard this one girlish laugh on top of the commotion of the mall, so he looked, and promtly lost his breath. Over in the LARP display was a 19 year old girl standing 5'8 with curves in the right places, long blonde hair pulled up in a lose ponytail, and a Vampire: the Masquerade book in her hands. Megoth was a D&Der himself, but he rushed over anyway and selected the copy of 'Nod' closest to her. "Isn't that just the neatest book?" She asked him. "I love the artwork in it and I like that White Wolf fleshes out it's game by providing its own bible of sorts. Have you seen the other one? About the Dark Mother?" She pulls one from under a pile of Nods and hands it to him with a grin. Her eyes are bright blue. He notices she's wearing a Vivi shirt. While she rambled a bit, and her larp choice wasn't the best, it was hard for him to not like her. Her smile was infectious. "So you enjoy final fantasy?" He motions to her shirt. "Everything I've seen from it. I've never had the privelage of playing it myself. I heard there were Japanese versions that most Americans never see. I would like to play them all, from the first one, but I just don't know anyone who has them." With her delicately chewing on her bottom lip and her brows furrowed she puts back down the books in her hand and instead wanders over to play with a stuffed Mew. She looks back at him to let him know she isn't ignoring him. "Well, I have them all. You could come over some time and play them if you'd like. I'm staying in the dorm this break, so there will be plenty of time if you have other arrangements or something. I can tutor you in whatever you wish to learn." and to himself 'Did I just say that? How cheesy. Just come across desperate. You don't know her name.' "My name is -" "Megoth! How dare you get away from me like that! We had a deal, man." Kelly grabbed his shoulder and looked quite annoyed. He was about to really start bitching when he noticed that Megoth was tucked away in the corner not with some obsession, but with a girl. Not a bad looking girl at that. 'The cutest fan girl I've ever seen.' He admits. "Oh. Sorry dude." The girl smiles as Megoth tries to conceal the urge to kill his friend. "Kelly, I was just talking about Final Fantasy with..." "Amy. My name is Amy. I enjoy all anime, V:tM, and comics. I believe Batman is better then Superman and that Neil Gaimen is a genius. Feel free to teach me more, but if you don't like it sod off." She extended her hand to Kelly, and was amused at his expression. She hoped her little speech would get him to leave. Not that she didn't like him. Kelly was a very sexy man. But she was interested in Megoth. What a weird name. Kelly shook her hand, and nodded hello. "Megoth I'm headin over to the coffee hut." "I'll be there eventually." He didn't know what to think. The girl was bubbly, and gave the first impression of being an idiot. But those blue eyes and sly smile told him otherwise. He wanted to find out more about her. He really didn't want to leave her presence. Amy looked at her watch. "The hut! Ugh! I was supposed to meet my no good sister there twenty minutes ago. I'll come with. You can come too, Megoth, if you are done in here. I'll tell my sis what I'm up to and then maybe you can tell me more about those games." She dropped the mew on the head of some ten year old brat arguing behind her. The three left, and the blonde surprised Kelly by walking right up to the table of girls he was after. He made Megoth come along to hear them talk. "Hey, sis, listen. I know mom said you and I needed to spend more time together, but I'm gunna go now. Found something more interesting then drinking and sex to talk about." And after a moment, "Not that there's anything wrong with sex. Megoth, Kelly, this is Becca, Stacey, and Jasmin. Jasmine is my sister." Jasmine was a walking talking wet dream. Kelly grinned his best. "Nice to meet you ladies. I've seen you around school." Amy pulled Megoth aside. "Who came with who? I have a car so he can catch up later or something. I bet he'll be busy with them for a while and you and I can go ahead back to your place now. If that's okay?" "Kelly, I'm headin home. Talk with ya tomorrow." Kelly waved without turning around, the girls ignored them. "Now, miss, which way to your steed?" Amy took his arm and laughed again. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
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EVERYTHING JAKE is TM & (C) 2000-2011 by Mike Rosenzweig. |