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Everything Jake. #559 some text Jake turned around to the raspy voice he knew he heard before but yet could not place it. As soon as he saw a lock of strawberry blonde hair, he remembered. "Sarah..." "Hey Jakey", she laid on him a great huge hug, and he positioned his Parliament so that it wouldn't burn her. He then thought that even it he did burn her, she was so bombed it wouldn't matter. "So, how've you been, Jake? Been a while, right!" "Yeah, it has been, you look good, what are-" Paul, of course, did not see the tall blond in the tight pants and low knit top as he walked over. His mind was fixed on Jake. Sure, the kid himself said he wasn't gay, but there was still something about him... Must have something to do with Jenkins' class. Even though Jake all but ignored him and paid all his attention to that toothpick Mercy, Paul would not give up. It wasn't that he wanted to have Jake sexually, not at all, Jake was too much of a wussy for Paul, it was that Paul just wanted to be near him, to be friends with him, but more. He wanted to be best friends with Jake. To share secrets, their past fantasies and dreams. To be able to count on Jake; and have Jake count on him. And maybe one or two blow jobs, just for fun. "Here's your beer, Jake, sorry I took so long, the bartender was flirt--- oh--" "Thanks, Paul. Sarah, this is Paul, Paul, this is Sarah." "We've met, Jake. Sarah used to do Brian." "Oh my gawd, I don't believe you just said that, Paul!" Jake stood in the middle of a very uncomfortable moment. Paul still held onto Jake's beer, his eyes thin and demeaning. Sarah flipped her hair and fished out a cigarette from he mini pocket book. She lit it, and blew smoke at Paul and Jake. "Still a jealous little man I see, Paul." Jake pawed at his beer in Paul clenched hands. If he could get it, he could escape. No such luck. "You're right, Sarah, I wish I could have fucked all the guys on the rowing team like you did..." Finally Jake decided to enter a comment in. "You and Brian, Sarah?" But she was still focused on Paul. "You did fuck all the guys on the rowing team, dickhead!" ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
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EVERYTHING JAKE is TM & (C) 2000-2011 by Mike Rosenzweig. |