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Everything Jake #1013: The Gift: 3 continued Albert gazed at them, Kelly tensed up, awaiting the attack. Albert took a half stutter step forward, then turned around and slowly walked to one of the other candles. His head bobbed left-right in an almost comical way. Kelly’s eyes never left him. Megoth leaned in to where his mouth was almost touching Kelly’s ear. The whisper was barely audible. “His claws are not razor sharp, but if he gets a good swing or stab he may be able to draw blood…” “That was good of you to do this time, Megoth.” “I… I never intended for this to happen… how… how…” “What’s he doing?” “I don’t think his optics are fully functional… he can see, but cannot process the data… or it might be that only his infrared works, which would make sense if he’s wicking out all the candles…” “Wicking out?” “Snuffling, wicking, whatever. Look, we might be able to make it to the door… if… if we make a break for it…” Sam caught her breath when she heard that, and Rosey shifted uncomfortably. Kelly was standing mostly in front of them, but Rosey still felt like an open target. Megoth had told her about the Poke-X incident of freshman year, while she believed him, she didn’t really believe him. But they had gotten out of that one okay, thanks to Faith. But she’s 3000 miles away, as is Jake, who would have been able to fix this in a second. She looked over to Sam, she looked pale, all the color had been washed away in the low candle light, but you could always tell when someone goes pale. Her eyes were like saucers, she was looking at Albert walk to the next candle, but Rosey doubt Sam actually saw it. Totally glazed over. She softly poked Sam in the leg, and without changing expression, Sam looked over. Rosey tried to smile, but Sam’s eyes just got bigger. My eyes, Rosey thought. My eyes, damn it, didn’t even think of that. She quickly looked away from Sam and tugged on Kelly’s pant leg. It was slightly wet with wine. “We gonna jet, or we gonna kick this little robot’s ass?” Her voice was a low as she could muster. Damn Brooklyn accent. Kelly looked down at her, he nodded his head in indifference. “Megoth… you still make this thing a cross between Wolverine and Pokemon?” “Yes… but I tried to move in another direction than Pokemon, since no one really likes Pokemon anymore…” “No one ever liked Pokemon, Megoth.” “Yeah, really”, Rosey added. “What I mean, does he have that electro shock shit that zapped Bruno?” “No.” “Okay, then, here’s the plan: I’m going to bum rush Crazy Albert and smother him in my… shirt? Yeah, my shirt (I guess). You then jump on him, Megoth, try to knock his head off.” “There’s an off button.” “Really?” “It’s… it’s in his crotch.” “Well. Um… then it shouldn’t be hard for you to find it when I cover him up… right?” “What should me and Sam do?” “Sit tight.” “Fuck that, Kelly, I could help Chris find, uh, find Crazy Albert’s… um… crotch.” “I never, ever want you to say that again.” “I never want to say that again.” “I’m going in.” Kelly carefully lifted his shirt over his head, Albert was still more than a half room away, contemplating a lit candle. Kelly motioned his head and started to creep toward the midget robot. If it was true about the infrared, then it should be easy. A wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am type thing, and then he could get back to macking it on Sam. That whole speech she gave before? He wasn’t buying it. Her mouth may say no, but he’s been around a lot of chicks who have put on that front, only for them to make him breakfast the next morning. How I miss my freshman year. Kelly glanced back at Sam, she wasn’t staring at him but almost through him, eyes all glazed over in fright. Looks more like damage control tonight, he thought, she’s really freaked. Mercy she’s not. “KELLY!” Albert was suddenly not where Kelly remembered him last, where did… it felt like someone was pushing him, not too hard but hard enough for him to lose his balance. His regained his balance but there was a push again, much harder, and Kelly lost control and landed hard on his back. He had knocked over something. There was a sound of a sword that was being rapidly unsheathed. Was Rosey yelling? Kelly had just enough time to see the fire reflect in what looked like three shiny knifes. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
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EVERYTHING JAKE is TM & (C) 2000-2011 by Mike Rosenzweig. |