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#1048 Revised 2/29 Everything Jake: Two Conversations and an Exit The Exit: Terminal Troubles It was surprising cold for San Diego, Jake was glad he remembered his Old Navy fleece, but Faith’s arms were covered in gooseflesh. Jake tried not to feel bad for her, but he did ask her many, many times if she wanted the fleece. No, she had said, I’m fine. He wished the damn terminal would just open already. The flight was at 5:45am, so they had Mitchell drive them to the San Diego airport at four. It looked open from the outside, so he had just dropped them off. He looked half asleep anyway. But the doors were closed and the wind was blowing. A maintenance man in what looked like a golf cart with a flashing yellow light told them the terminal opened at five. Part of Jake wished he still smoked so the time would go by quicker. “What time is it?” Faith’s teeth did a little chatter, she was fighting it the best she could. “Twenty to…” “This is the longest hour, ever.” “I know, you still sure you don’t want my sweat shirt?” “I’m okay.” Some other people had arrived, they didn’t seem surprised that the airport wasn’t open yet. Jake adjusted his bags again, as if the last adjustment wasn’t good enough. His backpack was aching his shoulder, it was heavy with books and comics and his CD player. He was ready for the flight, but he cursed himself for bringing all the books. There was no way he would be able to read all of them, even the comics. For a second he wondered what Kelly was doing, but then realized that it was early morning back in New York. No way would Kelly be awake then. Jake smiled about going home finally. They would have a day on Long Island, then they had to drive up to school, they left two days for that, even though it was possible to do it in one big drive. He had told Faith they should take their time with it, stop at a nice bed and breakfast somewhere on the way. She liked that idea. It would be a while before they go some alone time, even when they got to school. Trish was rooming with them in their apartment, she was there already. Last time they heard from Trish was about two weeks ago, she had left an e-mail message to Faith telling her how Kelly had shown up at her door with a rose in his hand and a smile. They hadn’t exactly gotten back together, but they weren’t exactly apart either. Maybe she would stay with Kelly more often, Jake thought, but with Megoth and Rosey staying at Kelly’s place, he doubted that. Kelly and Trish, the couple with no place to stay. The lights in the back of the terminal slowly came on, like a great electric eye finally opening up. He looked at Faith and smiled. She gave him a look of, thank god I’m fucking freezing, and he put her arm around her. “Only another couple of hours, hon.” “I hate planes.” “There’s really no other way to fly home,” he smiled, grabbing up his suitcase which also seemed a lot heavier than when they had first arrived in SoCal. “I mean, there is, but boy, would my arms be tired.” She seemed slightly amused by this, half smirking. She rolled her luggage past him on her way up to the terminal, which a man in a maroon suit with racoonish rings under his eyes was unlocking the door. Jake knew Faith hated the fact that he could almost fly. He had tried it once, in California, but was only able to get about six feet on the ground before he fell on his neck. She had run over to him to make sure he was okay, but of course, he was. She asked him not to do it again until he’d have some training. Jake had the feeling that it wasn’t really his health she feared, or even that he needed training. It was because of Reggie. It had to been. What he did to her. Jake agreed not to, and hasn’t since that day. Jake started up after her, and looked at what she was wearing. God, I love those striped pants, he smiled, and wished that New York would just get here already. #1049 Everything Jake: Two Conversations and an Exit An Exit: Madden Talk “Dude, the suns up… the Vortex strikes again.” “I can’t believe we’ve been playing Madden all night, Kelly. I said one game, and now, here’s morning. I hate this apartment.” “It always seems to happen here, more than the dorms. I guess it’s because we get no light in on this side of the building, it’s hard to tell when it’s dark or light.” “Or time just moves faster in this apartment for some reason. It’s possible.” “I don’t think so.” “It’s totally possible that this building was built on some sort of time amplifier. It explains why when we only want to play one game of Madden at midnight, we end it at, like, what time is it? Nine? God damn it.” “No, it’s like seven, maybe eight. Clocks are wrong, I don’t we sent them back or forward or whatever last time. I wonder what Jake and Faith are doing.” “Probably getting on the plane, isn’t their flight at like six? ” “Something like that. Look, look at that, Megoth, you suck. Another interception. You are poor at Madden.” “I don’t think that your interception was a real interception.” “Poor, Megoth, poor. Why do we even bother playing anymore?” “I will… I have… beaten you, Kelly Rose. No one can deny the power of the Packers.” “Brett Favre sucks.” “So do your New York Football Giants. I don’t project a playoff berth for them this year.” “I bet they do better than the Pack.” “No one does better than the Pack, but this year, as far as my calculations go, New England should win the Superbowl.” “I don’t think so, Megoth, they didn’t even make the playoff last year. If anyone in the AFC wins, it’ll be Miami. They have a great defense.” “They don’t make the playoffs. And last year was an aberration for the Pats. They will beat the Eagles in the Superbowl.” “Whatever. What made you such a sports geek now anyways?” “I… I cannot say. I don’t know why I have been suddenly enchanted by American football, but I am.” “It’s refreshing, a little.” “I find it troubling. It might be that I’m having sex now, and the increase in test—where are you going?” “To throw up. I told you not to tell me about you and my sister, dick.” “Oh… I… uh… shit.” “No… no… I’m sorry. I have to get used to it. I love you both, but, please, don’t talk to me about your… relationship again.” “I won’t.” “Y’know, in a way, I’m still kinda shocked that she would go out with you.” “What? Why?” “I mean, look at you, even with your blond hair and shit. She usually went out with…” “People of ethnic origin?” “Black or Spanish guys, yeah. You’ve seen some of her ex-boyfriends…” “I try not to think about that too much.” “What was that one guys name?” “I think you are referring to ‘Slayer’”. “That was it. She… I just never thought you would be her type, that’s all, you being my friend. Think about it, would you want me dating your sister?” “I don’t have a sister.” “But if you did, would you want me to date her?” “I would have stabbed you with the sacred blade of D’mon Arkback if I had a sister and you went even an inch of her womanhood.” “Well that’s just not fair…!” “I guess it’s not, but look at the difference between us. I’m a lovable, almost teddy bear like dude. You’re a conniving man-whore.” “You just refered to yourself as a dude.” “Um…” “And man-whore? That was cool, when, 1999? Look, I just scored another touchdown. 21-3. Ready to give in yet?” “No. The Pack will come back.” “Yah-hunh.” “What’s wrong with calling myself a dude?” “It’s kinda gay.” “Gayer than playing Madden all night long when you could be at Trish’s place?” “Let’s not talk about Trish.” “Trouble again in Trishville?” “Let’s not talk about Trish, Brett Favre. Look, Green just fumbled, recovered by Michael Barrow for a touchdown. 28-3. Ready to give up yet?” “It’s my stragety. I’m luring you in for the kill. Not unlike the hero Fraheen in the plains of Hrok Kabel.” “??” “Sorry, old D&D reference that only I will understand.” “Ooooookay.” “Rosey said that Sam has been talking about you a lot.” “Um… who?” “That girl, her friend? The one who was trapped with us in the blackout that rejected your bid for intercourse?” “Oh. Her.” “So…” “I hate that you’re dating my sister, you know that?” “You kissed her, didn’t you?” “I didn’t mean to, Megoth. It just… kinda happened.” “She really likes you, apparently.” “I don’t want to know.” “I’m not judging you, Kelly, honestly? I’m not. (oh, look, I just scored on an 85 yard bomb, Farve is unstoppable! 28-10) But, is your avenue of actions wise right now?” “Fluke play. I didn’t mean to kiss her, “dude”, it just kinda happened. I hope not to do it again.” “Aren’t you guys meeting at the PizzaVille on Friday night?” “Shit, man, is nothing in my life my own anymore?” “Rosey didn’t tell me that, I read that on the internet.” “Really?” “No, you fool.” “I knew you were messing, assface.” “I’m only going to say this once, because there’s more than one thing that could go wrong here, Kelly. Chose one and run with it. Otherwise, your ass will be here all the time and you will be moping around like you were before you decided to go up to Trish’s with that flower. After that night, you seemed more like yourself, which, to some, may not be a good thing, but for you, I think it was good. Trish does that for you.” “Megoth, I--” “I’m talking. You and Trish are good, you seem happy with her and you guys compliment each other very well. Think about it, she’s hot, man, really hot. Did I ever tell you the time I almost kissed her?” “Yes. Up in your room when you accessed Albert’s head before… London.” “I was this close I swear.” “She told me about that. She was about to ravage you, but all you seemed to be interested in was the head.” “I feel as if there is a joke there but I cannot reach it. And, really? She said that, ‘ravaged’?” “Are you fucking crazy? She felt bad for you, and didn’t want to get too close to you because you smelt bad.” “It was hot out that day.” “You smell all the time.” “Like honey and roses. It’s a cologne Rosey got me. You’re very good at changing the subject. (another favre pass, 28-17, what happened to your defense?)” “I don’t want you to talk about your… love life… to me, and I don’t want to talk to you about mine either.” “If it didn’t affect me, I wouldn’t. But Sam is your sisters new best friend, and I’m the one who will have to go into those dorms and help Rosey mop up the mess you’re going to leave…” “That’s truly disgusting.” “I’m even appalled. But you know what I mean, Kelly. Stop everything with Sam. Now, before it gets worse.” “I’m still reeling of what you said. (return the kickoff for a TD, 34-17, go Tiki!)” “Don’t you dare go for two.” “In context, isn’t that what you’ve been trying to tell me?” “Very perceptive. I, of course, said that on purpose. And you didn’t make it. 34-17. End of the 3rd. Here comes the Pack!” “I’ll… you’re right. I was being greedy with the freshman. I’ll tell her I can’t kiss her anymore. Even though she has a tattoo she won’t show me… yet.” “Kelly.” “I know, I know. I’ll call her after I claim my Superbowl ring from Brett Favre’s corpse.” “I don’t think so.” ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
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EVERYTHING JAKE is TM & (C) 2000-2011 by Mike Rosenzweig. |