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Sunday, March 25, 2001

Sarah: That's cool, same old shit here, y'know? Hey, I didn't know you smoke. It kinda makes you more irresistible. Sort of like you're now dark and mysterious...

Jake: Um, yeah, that's me. Dark. Mysterious. Smoking....

Sarah: I guess I'll join ya for a butt. So, Jake Bruno, dark, myseterious Jake Bruno, how was your break?

Jake: Um, okay, nothing too exciting. Found out my sister was gay, there was an evil version of Kelly running around, and meogth--

Sarah: Who?

Jake: Megoth... Chris... this fat kid on my floor who is super smart.

Sarah: Oh. Never met him.

Jake: He doesn't get out much.

Sarah: So?

Jake: Oh, he got a call from the cops saying they found his hand.

Sarah: That's good, I guess. Why was he missing it?

Jake: He wasn't.

Sarah: Oh.


Jake: How rude of me, how was your break, Sarah?

Sarah: I took a trip out to California and had a fucking amazing time. I met a guy there, and, well, let's just say there was a lot of sex going on. I think I didn't even wear any clothes for three days straight. I'm still sore... but in a good way, y'know?

Jake drops his cigarette.

Sarah: Oh, silly. Let me light you a new one.

Sarah lights a cigarette in her mouth.

And gives it to Jake.

Jake: Um... thanks...

Sarah: Not a problem, hun, I'm still waiting for that phone call, y'know! Oh, lookit the time, shit gotta split!

Jake: O... okay. Um, seeya!

Sarah kisses Jake on the cheek.

Sarah: Bye sexy!

Jake is speechless, cigarette dangles from his mouth.

The first comic Today's comic
 FEB   March 2001   APR

EVERYTHING JAKE is TM & (C) 2000-2011 by Mike Rosenzweig.