Web Toolbar by Wibiya
Monday, April 23, 2001

Welcome to Planet Cartoonist Week. I think it's time to make a rally for the top ten, don't you? Right now, I'm at a solid 30... all you have to do is click the pretty little Planet Cartoonist graphic EVERYDAY. Support so far has been tremendous, but my ultimate goal is #1, but that's a looooong way off, so, baby steps. I'm gonna put it right up here next to the strip until Saturday, just to make it all the more easy for you to click it. Also, a little trick, if you have a computer at work or in class and one at home, click from each computer. It tracks IP's, so it'll only count one a day from computer you're on. If we can sky rocket to the top ten, I'll do something special for y'all. So, please, start clicking!

Thank you!
The first comic Today's comic
 MAR   April 2001   MAY

EVERYTHING JAKE is TM & (C) 2000-2011 by Mike Rosenzweig.