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Tuesday, September 25, 2001

Everything Jake
Strip 520
tuesday, september 11th, 2001
part ten of fifteen

Mecca: Look at all these people, Jake, holding candles, missing person posters... This is the saddest thing I think I've ever seen.

Jake: I know, Mecca, I know.

They walk a block in silence

Jake: But, Mecca, y'know, all of us have joined together, people getting along for the same reason, I don't think I've ever seen the city this... friendly... do you... do you think Faith will find her dad?

Mecca: I dunno, I heard they found some people alive, so, there’s always hope. I... just wonder how long we are going to wait...

Jake: As long as it takes... I guess... Harrison isn’t such a dick like I thought he was. He’s surprised me how he’s stood by her.

Mecca: I know. I guess things like this bring out the best in people. Like you. I’m proud of you.

Jake: Me? Why?

Mecca: The way you took control of everything, Jake, back at the school. Even though you were torn up inside, you didn’t let anyone see it, especially your friends, when they needed you the most. You’re... something special, Jake Bruno.

Jake: I... don`t know really what to say, except thank you, Mecca. I... I love you, y'know that? I just feel so helpless right now...

Mecca: Don’t we all, Jake, don’t we all, but there’s nothing we could do but hope and pray. And be with Faith and who ever else need us... that's all we could do...

Jake: I wish, Mecca, that that were true...
The first comic Today's comic
 AUG   September 2001   OCT

EVERYTHING JAKE is TM & (C) 2000-2011 by Mike Rosenzweig.