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Summer Vacation Part One: Albert's Head (continued) Everything Jake. #721 by Mike Rosenzweig "What is that? Is that Faith and Kelly?" "I think it is… this…" "What the hell? Where did she go?" "I… I…" "Where the fuck did she go?!?" * * * * * "If I could help you guys, trust me, I would, but this… it's too--" Kelly had told Jenkins exactly what went on in the room only ten or twenty minutes before (or was it more than that? It didn't seem more than that). They were sitting there, talking, a bright flash, something hits him, a loud noise, darkness. Jake's big head looking at him. "And you don't remember who you saw?" "No," Kelly answered, again. Jenkins was behind his desk, his demeanor was one of a man who did not look too happy. He was slumped back in his chair, one of his hands on his chin and the other buried in his side. His eyes were open but focused downward. Jake did not like seeing him like this. It made him nervous. If Jenkins couldn't figure out what happened, they who the hell could? "You really have no idea who could have done this, Jenkins?" "I told you Jake, no. But, more and more it sounds like someone teleported-- yea, I said teleported, stop looking at me like that-- in, knocked Mr. Rose down, and scooped up Ms. Robbins. Then he teleported away, to God knows where." "You really did say 'teleported', didn't you?" "Yes I did, Mr. Rose, and why should it surprise you that there are people in this world that can move between visible space?" "It just seems… a little fantastic…" "And you being impervious to certain mental attacks doesn't seem fantastic to you?" "How do you know that? How does he know that, Kelly?" "Why, Mr. Bruno, Mr. Rose never told you he was in my class? How do you think I knew his name, Mr. Bruno, when I came into your dorm room?" "I, uh, never even thought about it." "I would hardly say that I was in his class, it was two sessions." "There was nothing you could do, Kelly. You have no talent. All you have is a residual from a traumatic experience you had when you were a child." "I would consider this a traumatic experience of my childhood." "You and the melodrama. We're veering off course here. Stop the 'Who-Has-The-Bigger-Cock' Contest and focus on finding our friend Faith. Someone came in, took her, left. We find him/it, get her back, make him/it pay. Done deal. Right boys?" Mercedes knew she had waited too long to talk, and when she did, she wanted to make sure she had an impact. "What do you mean-- melodrama?" Mercy rolled her eyes and stuck her hand out as if to say, talk to the hand, asshole. Kelly went to say something, but noticed that he couldn't open his mouth. Mercy kind of shrugged and smiled at him. Jenkins shifted his weight in his chair and put his elbows down onto the old desk. He rubbed his temples and sighed so hard it was almost a yawn. He looked up, at the faces of Jake, Kelly, and Mercy, and sighed even deeper. He leaned back into his chair. "The reason I find it so improbable that a teleporter came and took Ms. Robbins is the simple fact that there are only five teleporters; they have all been accounted for and none of them are responsible." A twang of anger resonated in the pit of Jake's stomach, echoes of the past September when he called for his uncle to help and there was none. Teleporters? How many lives could have been saved if they had fucking teleporters? "How can we be so sure, Jenkins?" "I'm sure. Trust me." "If you're so fucking sure then why don't you know what happened?" "Because I don't. This isn't like anything we've seen. Anything I've seen. There are things about this I think are related but… the thing with your friend's hand, for instance. Two cops from the city came here looking for him. One of those cops was found in their car, which had flipped over into a ditch on the side of the highway. The car was not in good shape... the cop, Matt Blare, was in worse shape." "And you think that's related, how?" "I don't like the tone of your voice, Jake." "That's okay, I don't like your complete lack of competency." "Now is not the time, Jake, we need to work together." "Yeah. Mercy, whatever. He's got fucking teleporters and physics and who knows what other kind of shit in his back pocket and he can't figure out some simple shit like this? What good is he, I bet Megoth would have found her by now." "Simple, Jake, you think this is simple? How many times have you heard of someone teleporting? How many times have you heard of someone flying? Moving things with their mind? How many times?" "Plenty." "When?" "The supermarke-" "I meant legitimate news sources. Not made up fiction that you read on the line on your way to buy cheap beer and nachos." "I would say: none." "Right, none. Not one. Because, Jake, because this kind of shit simply doesn't happen so openly. One of the five teleporters? He lives out in bumble fuck Alaska so far away from technology that he has never seen a computer or the Internet. And the only place he would TP is his bathroom; which is four miles form his house. There might be a high number of you people here, that is not by chance. But it is the exception to the rule, people with powers keep them secret and do not just abduct people at random. "This has never, ever happened before." Jake, Kelly and Mercy sat in silence as Jenkins' words hung in the room. Kelly might have wanted to say something, but Mercy kept his mouth closed. She felt somewhat pleased that she was in control enough to do that. "Why… why do you think the cops are involved?" "Because there were two cops that should have been in that car, and we only found one of them." "He could have just walked into the woods or someshit, I've heard people sometimes just go to a different place in their head when something bad happens. He could've just done that after the accident and just strolled off." "Not this guy, Ms. O'Gara." "Why not?" "He used to be my partner, when I was a cop." "You were a cop?" "Yeah, NYPD, back in the early eighties, I know this guy, and he's hard. He wouldn't snap or break or any of that shit in a tense situation. This, you can trust me on." "Melodramatic?" Kelly spit out, as if he was holding on to that word forever. Mercy giggled, Jenkins gave her a look, 'you were holding his tongue that long?'. "Sorry." Jake shook his head. While the anger had subsided to more of a grumbling, he was growing impatient of the inactivity. Faith was snatched, he felt not only responsible for the act of her getting snatched, but also he felt it was his duty to undo the snatching. He also realized that every chance he could, he would use the word 'snatch' in a non-sexual way. "Look, Faith was snatched-", he waited for a giggle from Kelly but never got one, "-and it's up to us to un, uh, unsnatch her, right? Let's just put our heads… wait-" "I already contacted your uncle, Jake, he said he's take a listen for her. Unfortunately, he's not a very good telepath, neither is your uncle, Mercy, and for your information, they are not the same person and, as a matter of fact, they don't like each other too much, but that's a story for later." "So, what could we-" Megoth slammed the door open, Albert's head in one hand, a laptop on the other. Trish was standing behind him, seriously looking pissed off. He didn't say anything and he dropped Albert's head onto the table and placed his PC next to it. "I know what happened to Faith." "So do we, Mr. Megot---" "And I found her." continued ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
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EVERYTHING JAKE is TM & (C) 2000-2011 by Mike Rosenzweig. |