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Everything Jake. #714 SUMMER VACATION: prologue part two by Mike Rosenzweig Kelly Rose heard a bang and turned around almost instantly. What the hell is that? BANG BANG BANG It's the door, a voice inside him said. You're just too tense. Get the stupid wig off and get the door. Kelly took the wig off and then heard the voice from the other side of the door. Hello? Jake, you there? It was a female voice, but who's… Kelly couldn't place it. She sounded hot, though. The wig, which Kelly threw next to the bed, looked like a blond dog sleeping. Kelly smiled. What a stupid idea. He kicked the wig under the bed and opened the door. "Oh, hey, what's up Faith?" "Kelly… hi… was expecting… is Jake here?" "No, he's probably on line in midtown waiting to see Star Wars…" "Shit, I forgot. Okay." "Anything I can help ya with?" "No, I doubt it…" "You sure? I mean, the rumor going around is I'm a total asshole, but the truth is I'm a good ear when needed to be." "That's the rumor, eh?" "One of many." "I've heard all of them." "None of them are true." "I bet. What the hell is that?" Kelly followed her pointed finger to the bed. "It's the bed." "No, the blond thing, did… did Jake save his hair?!?" "What? Oh, oh no!" Kelly laughed at this. It did look like Jake had saved his hair. How messed up would that be? Might as well play it up, he thought. "No, but he went to get a wig made because he didn't like the haircut." "Really? I think it looks good. Makes him look older. I like yours too, makes you look-" "Like Vin Diesel?" "No. I was going to say more mature." "That was my next guess." Faith walks in, almost pushing Kelly out of the way. He smiles as she walks by. She smells very good. Kelly thinks, why not. It's not like Jake has dibs on her anymore. "This is a wig, he made this out of his own hair?" "No no, I was just joking. Megoth… megoth actually made that for me." "Okay, now I'm freaked out." "No, heh heh, it's for a very good reason." "I'm all ears, Kelly." Faith took a seat on Jake's bed. She smiled. She had come there to ask Jake a question, nothing to big, just when he was going home and the best time to drive back to the Island. But here was Kelly Rose, with his sexy new hair. She knew that he was upset about Mercy stopping their rendezvous, even though it was a while ago. She knew that deep down somewhere, Kelly Rose represented a wild part of her that she chose to ignore most of the time. He was the anti-Harrison. He was exciting, spontaneous, and very, very good looking (which he knows). Kelly shrugs inside himself. I know that look, he thinks. But, somewhere inside him told him that this was wrong. She wasn't what he looked for in a girl. That wasn't totally true. She was very pretty, he liked he long hair, she had a nice body that she had to work for. But… still. He went to sit down next to her, and grabbed the wig. "Megoth thinks there's some kind of super villain after Jake and wanted me to stay here to run interference in case something happened." "That's the dumbest thing I ever heard." "Exactly what I said." "Try it on." "No, I'd be waaay too embarrassed. Besides, I look better with dark hair." "True, but try it on anyway. I need a good laugh." She went to put it on Kelly's head, and he took it from her. He held it up like it was the worst thing in the world. He made a face that showed that he was highly embarrassed and that there was some inner conflict. It was all an act, of course, and Faith knew that, but still found it to be kind of cute. "I will try it on, Faith, but you have to try it on next." "No way!" Kelly tosses the wig on the floor. "Then I'm not putting it on." Faith reaches down to get the wig and her shirt rides up her back a little bit. She realizes this and becomes slightly embarrassed. Kelly looks, of course, and notices the black lace, which can only mean one thing. She sits back up, her face a little red, gives him a weak smile, and tries to put the wig on his head. He grabs for it, laughing, and she doesn't let it go that easily. They fight for it and Kelly ends up winning. She hits him on the shoulder. "Just try it on, jerk." "I said I would. If you try it on next." "No!!" "You want me to throw it on the floor again?" "No… okay. I'll put it on, but only for ten seconds." "Thirty." "Fifteen." "Thirty." "Hey! That's not fair!" "Life ain't fair, Faith." "Fine. I'll put it on after you." Kelly was enjoying himself, in a kind of high school kind of way. He wasn't used to this playing around, usually it was slam bam thank you ma'am. Especially with Mercy. She thought that this kind of beating around to bush was stupid. Get what you came for and get out. This was different, there was some sexual tension between them, that was obvious. If this develops, I'm not going to poke her, he thought. Maybe play with her a bit, but I don't think it should go further. "For ten seconds", she smiled, and tried to get the wig from his hands again. They wrestled with it for another minute or two and Kelly pulled it back from her. They were both laughing a lot. He put the wig on, and the locks of blond hair covered his eyes. Faith's laughter slowly died down. "See," Kelly said, "I don't look good with blond hair." Faith giggled again. "But I can't see your face, silly." She brushed back the hair using both of her hands and exposed Kelly's face. He was right, he didn't look good in blond hair, especially blond Jake hair. Their eyes locked, she knew she wanted to kiss him. She leaned in closer to him, and their lips almost touched, when Kelly pulled away. "Wait." He took off the wig and gave it to her. "Your turn." She took the wig and felt kind of hurt. Did he not want me to kiss him? "Okay, but only for ten seconds." "Five. I would like to kiss you, but not if you're wearing Jake's hair." "Oh yeah, that would be a little weird." "Very weird. So weird, I don't even want to go there." She put it on, not bothering to even brush back her own hair. As silly as Kelly looked, Faith looked even sillier. She looked over to Kelly, and smiled. Kelly saw it first, but was too slow to do anything. There was a bright light in the room, and a smell of rotten eggs and whiskey. A figure moving so fast Faith barely saw when Kelly got knocked into the far wall. He crashed and left a pretty big sized hole. The boom came seconds later, like a sonic boom, in the room, all over the room. The windows exploded, as did the TV and computer screens. Faith reacted like her training taught her to, but she still was way too slow. It didn't help that she could barely see thanks to the wig. Someone, something grabbed her around the neck and pulled. There was another flash, and she went dark. When Faith woke up again, she could barely find the breath to scream. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
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EVERYTHING JAKE is TM & (C) 2000-2011 by Mike Rosenzweig. |