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Everything Jake. Summer Vacation. Part Three: The Flight Mercedes O'Gara, not a very poetic name, she thought, as she stared at the slip of paper in front of her. She put it back in her small backpack, zipped it up, and patted it, as if that would make it more secure. Mercy wondered if she could change her name, what she would change it to… She thought back to outside Jenkins office, when Jake came out, the look on his face as if the whole world was on his shoulders. Mercy had a feeling Jenkins couldn't help them, but was surprised that he gave Jake two tickets to London, and not so surprised when Jake picked Kelly to go with him. Sure, she was angry, but she understood. Things are too weird between them, the three of them. Especially with Kelly. How did things get so complicated so fast? Everything was good until September, she thought, then Kelly got all weird and wanted to be 'a couple'. Or maybe it was before that, when Jake and Mecca were together. Whatever it was, there was some part of her that missed him. They were so great when they got together, but, outside of sex, there really wasn't much else. He just wasn't interesting enough for her, all looks, no real anything underneath crisp blue eyes. To her, anyway, since Trish thought she was crazy. But she didn't want a trophy guy, she wanted someone who would challenge her more than just physically. Like Jake. Yeah, right, exactly like Jake. She shifted and crossed her legs as she tried to get comfortable in the most uncomfortable chair she's ever been in. It didn't help, nothing seemed to help. Jake, she thought, was an interesting guy. A little doofy, a little immature at times, but still, something about him… She knew that she was special, ever since she was a kid, she knew. She always had a feeling of what someone was going to say before they said it, or when they didn't say it. She knew when someone was lying to her, even though she never let it on that she knew. All people with talent, she had learned, always start as a low-level telepath (more like empathy, really). That usually goes away around puberty when telekinetics take over. Depending on numerous factors, it develops in different, and unique, ways. In Mercy's case, she really can't bend spoons or levitate objects, she's not sensitive enough. Her talent is more akin to a force push, a shove. That's how she pushed Evil Megoth through that door, and, even earlier, on the same door, was able to close it when Poke-X was trying to get in the hall. She looked over and saw a mother with a kid, probably three or four years old. He (it could have been a she, it was dressed in a periwinkle blue jumper with $100 Nike feeties) was playing with a SpongeBob SquarePants doll. He (she) kept dropping it, the mother wold roll her eyes, pick it up, say the baby couldn't have it (Mercy thought she heard the mother call out, "Terry", which did not help the quest to find the gender), the baby would screech, get the doll back, drop it, and the vicious cycle would continue. Mercy envied the woman, her whole world was probably filled with one thing: take care of baby. That was the main priority in her life, keeping the baby happy and alive and safe. Mercy wondered what her's was. What was her priority, her main focus in life, now that the emergence of telekinetic abilities clouded the issue? Small term, it was to help out Jake and Kelly to bring Faith home alive. It wasn't that Mercy particularly cared for Faith, she was nice, a nice person, one of the few Mercy has met. There was nothing bad anyone could say about Faith that was true. Mercy found that incredibly boring. Her taste in boyfriends, however, was kinda bad, she thought. Harrison was a tool, but that was Faith's mistake to make. Mercy in her first year made a lot worse judgement call then Mr.Turtle-Neck-Poet-Dweeb. She didn't feel bad for Faith, either, she was sure that pity was not something Faith would appreciate. The only reason, she had told herself, that she wanted to go to London to help them was to see how she worked in 'the field'. To try out some of the stuff Jenkins was showing them before Jake got to class. There was no mention of TK or anything like that when Jake decided to show up, there was a small rumor that someone had put a hex on Jake and telepathically tied him to his sister, so if he ever used whatever TK ability he had she would get really sick or die. To Mercy, it sounded like a load of hot shit, she had done the research, and something like that was near impossible. There was something, though, something about Jake that didn't let them do anymore training. She remembered the fight with Arthur, how Jake just smashed him into the wall without really moving. How the air seemed electric. Maybe they didn't want Jake to use his stuff because they couldn't control him because he was too powerful. She made mental note of that, that would be important later, somewhere or sometime. She had the money (probably enough for all of them to go, but Trish and Megoth, ultimately useless, then again, so was Kelly), bought the ticket, and she found herself waiting for the red-eye to London. Jake and Kelly left two days ago. They were probably there already. She opened her backpack and took out a device that looked like a PDA. It was her Faith Tracker, but Megoth didn't make it. Mercy clicked it on, it brought up a detailed display of London, including the street address and building (a fairly modern building, there was a fairly small electronic store on the bottom level, an empty apartment on the upper) where Faith and her captor, a man Jenkins called Epel. Apparently Epel was a cop, an old friend of Jenkins, but it really wasn't Epel. The mask he was wearing was an artifact, it was alive, they told her. It was unregistered and totally unknown, Jenkins doubts it even belongs on Earth (Mercy had asked what he meant by that, to the answer of a smile). She clicked off her PDA, stuffed it back in her pack. Mercedes wondered what life would be like on a small island east of Montauk Point. She wondered what life would be like not being in college next year. She wondered what they could show her. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
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EVERYTHING JAKE is TM & (C) 2000-2011 by Mike Rosenzweig. |