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Jake and Kelly walked into the Electronics Store and instantly realized that they were not going to find batteries. High end speakers, receivers, woofers, sub-woofers, medium woofers (a sign painted in yellow letter with a purplish background declared that they had every kind of woofer known to man, starting at only 150 pounds). Jake smiled. "These are not the batteries you're looking for." "Excuse me?" The girl's voice was deep but a good deep, Elizabeth Hurley deep. Jake looked at Kelly and Kelly shrugged. They couldn't tell where the voice was coming from. Everything Jake. #749. Summer Vacation: Part Four: The British Girl (everything jake will return on Monday, august 12th (after this one)) They heard a slight noise and a figure appeared from behind a rather expensive looking display of a home theatre system. Both Jake and Kelly stared. The first thing to appear was her boots, they were big, clunky, amine looking (almost) Doc Martins, maroon. With black pinstripes. The top halves of the clunkers were covered by the flare side of blue flare jeans. It was a big flare. The blue matched the maroon almost perfectly. There was a big pocket on the left side of the right leg. (What the hell does she keep in there, Jake would later ask, not understanding the cool factor of inappropriate pockets on clothes). The jeans ended low on her small waist, a belly button with an earring just over it. Their gaze went up to her shirt (Jake's stayed at her waist for another second, this girl had the perfect sized waist and the perfect sized hips, ever). She was wearing a black shirt, a black belly shirt, with a white skull right smack over her chest. The skull was more cartoony then realistic, round on top with three "teeth" jutting out the bottom. It looked like a child version of the Punisher's skull. Her neck was short but long at the same time, and thin. There were crystal hazel eyes behind slim, almost rectangular glasses. She had the look on her face of bored amusement. "Ah, you must be Americans." Her voice was a little Liz Hurley and a little Ewan McGregor, at least to Jake. It was the most beautiful voice, ever. "Are y'done starring, gentleman, I've important work to do here…" "Oh, uh, sorry, uh, ma'am, you, uh, startled u--" "We're looking for 'D' style batteries, have you got any?" She rolled her eyes and walked back behind the display, they heard a snapping noise, followed by a muffled curse, and she reappeared, not looking to happy that she was interrupted from her most important work. "I'll check the back, don't steal anything." She walked into the back; a little bell on the top of the door made an annoying ding-ding-ding sound as the door hit it. Jake looked at Kelly who was looking at the merchandise. "Did you see her, man?" "Yeah, Jake, she's hot, but I have the feeling I've seen her before, somewhere…" "Like you dreams? Seriously, most of the chicks we've seen here have been eh and so-so, she blows them all away." "Have you forgot why we're in London, Jake?" "No… but… you're right. Sorry." Kelly looked at the door to the back of the store. On it, there was a piece of paper that looked like a comic that you would cut out of the Sunday paper. Except, different. The size was too long and the colors too… they were too good to be just some Sunday strip. He walked up closer and it hit him. The comic on the door was a print out of the Keenspot comic strip Bobbins, and there, on the page, was a girl most similar to the one that just helped them. That's where he knew her. When Kelly and Jake were going to do Jake's M story as a Keenspace strip (before Chris Crosby asked them to do a Keenspot mini-series, which, by the way, Jake still is "working" on) he read through most if not all of the Keenspot archives, in the span of three of four weeks. Bobbins was one of his favorites, he liked the way the art progressively got better (and then color) and the jokes were almost always funny. Fallon, that was her name, Fallon. But if she was a comic strip character (who wasn't even based in London), how could she possibly be helping them here at this store? The ding-ding-ding of the bell and the British girl walked from behind the shop. She wasn't holding anything. "No batteries, Americans, sorry. Perhaps you should try-" "Isn't your name Fallon?" Kelly asked, and he was surprised with her answer. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
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EVERYTHING JAKE is TM & (C) 2000-2011 by Mike Rosenzweig. |