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"Hey, Chris, what's this green flashy thing mean?" Megoth grumbled a little bit, he was in a deep sleep and his dream regarded the new Square/Disney action RPG "Kingdom Hearts", but instead of Disney it was Don Bluth. When Kelly Rose (female) called out to him it was a particularly disturbing scene where Cloud from Final Fantasy Seven was riding "Balto" in a racing mini-game to get the special Red Crest. Balto had Kevin Bacon's voice and a rather bad case of rabies. "Green… flashy… what?" "On the Faith Tracker computer, there's a gre-" Megoth was up and at his computer faster than Kelly has ever though he could move. He shook his head, and grabbed his glasses. Stupid contacts, not enough time to put them on. "What time is it?" "Like six thirty, AM. I like you in glasses." "Uh, thanks… when did… shit, when did the green dot start to move?" "Just now… what does it mean?" Megoth sat at the desk and typed in some quick keystrokes. This was no good at all. The green dot indicated the bad guy. There was no movement since… where the hell was… "Kelly, is there an orange and a red dot?" Kelly shrugged, and Megoth couldn't help but to think how pretty she looked. So much trouble he was in, thinking about how he brother and his best friend would react about them coming together. No time to think about that now. "They disappeared about two minutes ago… around… there. The South, no, more east. I think they went into a store or something." The History revealed that Kelly and Jake walked into a small store on London's South Side. There must have been something about the store that disrupted his ability to track them. The Faith Tracker, as he dubbed it, looked like a map of London with dot representing his friends. There was Faith, hers a weak signal, but still there, the green one for the bad guy, and one each for Jake and Kelly (male). The green and purple (purple for Faith) have been stagnant since Jake and Kelly got to London. But now, the green was moving, and moving fast towards Jake's location. Megoth picked up the phone, dialed Jake's cell phone, and got the voice mail. He left a spirited but quick message. Why did he need sleep, damn it, Megoth was mad at himself. Things were moving too fast, the plan was about to be rendered useless. Kelly, meanwhile, started to understand what was going on. "The bad guy is heading straight for-" "Yes." "What could we do?" "Nothing. Wait." And he added, "Pray." EverythingJake. #756 Summer Vacation: Part Four: The British Girl By Mike Rosenzweig Mercy stepped out of her hotel and made a face. It was humid, hot, and the forecast called for a splash of rain. Europe was being flooded. England was always wet. She hated humidity. She told herself this was the last time she would ever be in London. She heard Scotland and points more North were nice, but never again London. She started to walk towards her destination. Before she left, after she made the agreement with the people Jenkins and her uncle Fred work for (which was to bypass the next year at college to train in the facility east of Montauk Point) Jenkins had shown her some quick, on the spot lessons. Her level of talent was not so high, but with the right tweaking, she could do certain things. It was mostly a TK force blast, either as a projectile or as a defense. He did show her how angling the blast could make her seem to fly. She practiced thing but still wasn't comfortable with her skill level. Flying was fucking hard. Jenkins said that while she might be on her own in London, help was never too far away. Jake didn't want the help, but Mercy thought they needed it. Especially after they told her who the bad guy was. It was the unknown aspect of it that scarred her. The man was a cop, that much they knew, and of what Jenkins said, he was a cop that was just a normal human. So whatever power he possessed came from the mask that he was wearing. They didn't think he was wearing it out of his own will power, either, which is why he fled after taking Faith instead of just killing her. He fled far and fast, and no was holed up in some kind of round room where only a teleporter could get in or out of. They guessed it must be one of the mask's former secret headquarters or something like that. Her plan was simple. Find Jake and Kelly, say that she was working on her own (she didn't like lying, but it was the only way), use them as bait, break the wall, get Faith out, rescue Kelly and Jake. It was an awful lot to do with little room for mistake, but she was ready. They made her ready. And, if not, Jake could take care of himself, right. If he could, then why was she there? He couldn't, that was it. Now where the hell were they? Not too far, according to her GPS tracker. Just around the block, more or less. Wonder why they're just walking around town when Faith was in trouble? Jake walked out of Fallon's store, cell phone in hand, a sugary coat of happiness soaked him. Why was he so happy? Fallon, she was amazing, easily the most… a sick feeling of disgust hit him in the gut. He suddenly felt his heart start to beat so hard and so fast that he dropped his cell phone to grab his chest. What the fuck? He reached down and picked up his phone, it read two messages. His heart slowed down, and he took a nice, long deep breath. What was that about? Some kind of panic attack? The sunshine happiness he had just experience melted away and reality set it. It was crappy outside, a morning fog just being burned away by afternoon fog. Everyone looked grey. Faith. He had forgotten about Faith and the guilt hit him again in the gut. Why were they sidetracked? Again? He looked into the store and saw Kelly and Fallon, Kelly had his elbows on the counter and by his posture, Jake could tell he was flirting with her. He looked at Fallon, and she made eye contact with him. She smiled, and then went back to her conversation with Kelly. Jake shook off his feeling of regret and disgust, if there was messages, especially from Megoth, then they were probably important. Something might have happened when they were thinking through their dicks (or was someone fucking with them, again?). Jake dialed *86 and waited for his messages to come up. He got the woman's voice, put in his password, and turned around again to look at the store. BANG. Hector Egan shifted his weight in his nice, new leather chair in his nice, new office over looking the Hudson River in New York City. He had been moved to the home office, his dealings as a lawyer in Frank Bruno's Law Offices over. Thank God for that, he hated filing and lawsuits and all that shit. Home office was where he belonged, and after the whole Kiani fiasco, he was ecstatic to see that his bosses finally saw the importance of his work. His nephew, he has told them over and over, was important. Maybe one of the most important, ever. He compared Jake to Randall Cohen, who, of course, was the most powerful man of his day. But his day was done, and it was time for Hector to take Jake to the next level. He felt bad about Kiani, but these things happen. She got too close (which, he had told them, was part of Jake's power), she had flipped out, she had undercut things they have worked so hard to do. She couldn't be allowed to exist anymore, simple as that. The mask situation showed how little control anyone had over Jake anymore. Jenkins wasn't reaching him; Jake was too much of a loose cannon. Not like Fred's girl, Mercy. She was a trooper, a team player. Jake wasn't, which made him look bad. Not for much longer. Hector knew the nature of the mask, it was a succubus, it craved power. It origin's were probably either extra-terrestrial or from another dimension. Maybe even from the past, which is why is fled back to Jolly ol' London. It could've taken someone from back then who could cross the time barrier, it wasn't impossible. It had registered Jake as someone with great power, but when it took Epel, it got confused and needed to recharge, which is why it took Faith as a form of bait. There was nothing really special about Faith, talent wise. She was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Hector figured it was really after the Rose boy. It Epel had taken Rose, then maybe Jake would have accepted his fate more willingly. A part of Hector's mind snapped, and he jolted in his chair. The mind spell he had put on Jake broke. He was no longer altering Jake's emotions like he was doing since the beginning of May. Something powerful must've snapped that, he thought, it was on him for a good long while. Something must've happened. Hector got up and looked out the window. The river, while being mostly green and really kind of disgusting, gave him a sense of calm. Like Jake, and most others with talent, seeing something bigger and out of their control gave them perspective. Hector sat back down, closed his eyes, and again opened them in a Summoer's robe. The world of the Summoner was sort of like an astral plane, but it took place in someone else's head. Sort of a chat room for telepaths. Hector was in the Hub, where he could browse who's online and who's not. Fred was, and he was without a student, so Hector logged himself in his head and sat down. Fred O'Gara's room was a library, old, dusty, fireplace roaring. He offered Hector a seat and a glass of port. The port was always the best here. Hector took his seat, sipped the port, and relaxed. How is Mercy doing? Well. And Jake? I'm sorry about what happened to Kiani, Hector, I know she was one of your favorite students. It happens, she was too entrenched. As for Jake, the spell I put on him was just snapped, I was hoping maybe for some help in finding out why, since I can barely register him. Oh, of course, old friend. If you give me a moment… No, no, I can't reach him either. Or Mercy. But you know how London is; there are pockets of blankness that have been there longer than people have. We can't explain them, we just have to work around them. I'm sure he'll show up soon enough. And if you will excuse me, I have to prepare for a visitation from a Senator who needs…. Hector found himself sitting alone. There's nothing ruder than someone leaving their own mind when you're visiting. He finished his port, closed his eyes, and opened them again in his office. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
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EVERYTHING JAKE is TM & (C) 2000-2011 by Mike Rosenzweig. |