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Everything Jake #834 Junior Year Three Tier Turkey Day by M.D. Rosenzweig Tier One: Dinner: Jake’s House Jake woke up not too early but not too late. It was the perfect time to wake up. He was on the couch, Faith was upstairs in his bed. She was down there with him until around two AM, the TV was on, but if asked neither of them could tell you what was on. Jake woke up and had a belly full of twisted nerves that were firing off in all different directions. He never felt better in his life. This is what love really is, he thought. Sure, with Nikki and Mecca, he thought he might have been in love. It was the idea of being in love, that’s it. It wasn’t with them he was in love with, it was the feeling. With Faith Robbins, it was the real thing. She was awake already, when he got upstairs. Fresh out of the shower, as well, considering her wet hair and towels. She smiled when she saw him. “Hiya Jake”, she smiled, and light seemed to fill Jake’s room. “Hiya, sleep well?” “Yeah, you?” “I missed you.” “And I missed you, but rules are rules.” “It was cool of your mom to let you stay here.” “We got in late, it was probably for the better. She makes quite a fuss about holidays and such.” “If you were my daughter, I would too.” “That’s weird.” “Yeah, sorry, don’t know where that came from.” “I would like to get dressed now, Jake…” “But I like the way you smell and feel all damp.” “I know, but I still have to get dressed…” “Alright… but not without one more kiss…” Their lips met and it felt like home again. Most of the night they were making out, and the feel of her lips on his again made the couple hours apart almost bearable. Jake decided that there is nothing better in the world than a girl who had just come out of the shower. The warmth of the hot water still on her, the faint yet intoxicating smell of the shampoo she wore, the softness of her skin, and the fact that under the towel there was nothing else. He backed his head away from her and smiled. “Sure you don’t want me to stay?” “I do. But you can’t. I’ll meet you downstairs.” Jake nodded and walked down the steps. He heard the TV on, this must mean either his uncle or his cousin is up. Jake liked his Uncle Bobby and his Cousin Mitchell only because he grew up with the knowledge they existed. Not like new uncles, like Hector. And plus, Bobby and Mitch were also Brunos, which counts for something. Mitchell Bruno was a bit taller and a bit stockier than Jake. His eyes a bit bluer, his smile a bit more handsome. He was also three years older than Jake, whom he likened to a sort of brother. Mitchell also had a sister, a much older one, who lived in Anaheim with her husband and two kids. Mitch was watching the Turkey Day parade, Jake had to sit down and put a pillow in his lap. “Morning, coz, what’s with you? Got in late last night, didja?” “Hey Mitch, good to see you. Yeah, we got in like midnight and watched TV for a bit.” “I know, like I said, heard ya come in. So, is that a new girl?” “Um, no, she’s as old as I am…” “I see you’ve grown to be almost as funny as our fathers’ think they are. How’s that working out for you?” “Pretty good, I’d say, since I have a date.” “Good for her if she fell for your wits alone, Jake-o. It’s good to see you, what the hell did you do to your hair?” “Cut it. Last year. Grew back a lot, actually.” “No shitting. It looks good, but you’re still the ugly cousin.” “You wish, Mitch. Where’s your date?” “I actually couldn’t decide on which one to bring. Plus, models don’t like the cold weather. I don’t like the cold weather, but dad insisted I come with him. Long Island seems mostly boring. What’s there to do around here?” “How long you staying?” “Till Sunday.” “We’ll have to go into the city then Friday night, when was the last time you were there?” “Before fuckheads knocked down the Twin Towers.” “Oh, shhh about that, Mitch!! Faith’s dad was in one of the Towers…” “Really? Crap, man, I’ll shhhh about it then. Didn’t know.” “How could you? But we’ll go in on Friday night. I’m here until Sunday also, so we’ll hang.” “Um… hi…” They both looked behind them and saw Faith. She waved her hand out in a “hi” wave, to Jake she looked a bit nervous and shy, and he loved her even more for it. Of course she was shy, Faith had been shy with new people her whole life. Why should this time be an different? Jake got up and took her hand, she gave him a look, and followed him into the living room where he introduced her to Mitchell. “Sorry about the comment about the Towers, Faith, I didn’t know…” Jake gave a double take and was all like, “What?” “I was standing on the steps, Jake, you didn’t see me. I didn’t think anyone saw me.” “That’s okay, Faith, Jake-o here doesn’t have the keenest of perceptions. But, again, I’m sorry.” “How could you know?” Bobby Bruno walked into the living room only in boxers. Like Jake and Mitchell, Jake’s uncle had blond hair, but it was short. His forehead was a little larger than Jake remembered, but the rest of him almost the same. Bobby was tall and looked like one of those that was on a beach his whole life. His body was covered in bleached looking blond hair, his frame was thick and while not being fat, he was not skinny either. You could tell that at one time he muct have worked out, and let himself go in his later years. He was more embarrassed than Faith when he walked in. “OH! MITCHELL!!!” Bobby sprang back and retreated into another room. Mitchell, Jake and Faith all kind of stared at each other. Mitchell shook his head. “The messed up part about that is he called out my name, as if it was my fault.” “That”, Jake said, “is my uncle Bobby.” Bobby returned seconds later wearing a shirt and pants. “I’m sorry, young lady, I thought you were my niece, who as I’m told, no longer likes men.” “Dad, that’s seriously messed up for thousands of—“ “Oh, hush, Mitch, Jake-o! How ya doing kiddo! Come give your uncle a hug!” Jake got up and received a bear hug from his uncle. He heard his ribs crack and thought of Self Defense Class again. His uncle released his grip and put his beefy hand on Jake’s shoulder. “Working out, there, Jake? Didn’t think so. Whose the lovely lady?” “Uncle Bob, this is Faith Robbins, Faith, this is Robert Bruno, my uncle.” “Only your aunt called me Robert, Jake-o, and Faith, pleased to meetcha.” “Likewise.” Faith’s hand was lost in Bobby’s grip, which he shook vigorously. “Good to see one of Frank’s kids come out okay.” “Actually, Uncle Bobby, Faith is my ballet teacher. I’m into ballet.” “Don’t fork with your favorite uncle, Jake.” “Just say ‘fuck’, dad, we’re all over 20 here.” “But you’ll all always be my babies… I’ll exclude you from that, Faith, while I’m sure your were a nice baby and all, these two were our blonde babies.” “I am going to go puke now.” “So, Jake-o, where is your sister? I wrote a whole list of jokes on the plane ride over…” Intermission: The car to Faith’s House “You never told me Becky was a lesbian, Jake…” “You didn’t know?” “No. It explains a lot, though.” “Yeah. I know.” “Dinner was great, I’m stuffed. Your dad’s girlfriend is very nice.” “I thought so. And he’s a great cook, Bobby helped him. Always does.” “I bet, I like your family. I’d love to hear some stories. Um… what happened to your aunt, if you mind me asking?” “Divorced. Almost five years ago. Mitchell went through a tough patch, but I guess he realized it’s… better than the alternative.” “Yes… yes it is.” Tier Two: Dessert and Coffee: Faith’s House Jake thought he felt something was wrong when Faith asked him to wait outside when she went inside first. Why can’t they just go in together, he thought, standing outside. Dinner was huge, he was stuffed and there could possibly be no more room for dessert. His dad and uncle went all out, turkey, ham, stuffing, the works. Pasta appetizer, salad, a real Italian meal. They might only be half Italian but it’s the half that cooks the best. Faith opened the door and smiled to Jake. “Okay, you could come in now.” The atmosphere in Faith’s house was drastically different than it was at Jakes. The whole house seemed lonelier, quiet, very sad. Someone who should be here is not, the house said. Faith’s mom greeted Jake with open arms, her eyes were red, she had been recently crying. Have to ask her about that, Jake thought. He hugged her back and shook her brother’s hand. Jimmy Junior was about the same age as Mitchell Bruno but looked a lot older. His forehead was also a lot bigger than Jake remembered it. He had lost a lot of weight, also, and had dark rings under his eyes, Jake doubted there was a time when he didn’t have them. “So, how was dinner at your house, Jake?” “It was good, Mrs. Robbins, but I’m stuffed.” “Hope you still have room for some pecan pie, I made pecan pie just for you two!” “Always knew you two would get together. Always had a feeling.” “Who’re you kidding, Jimmy, you thought I’d end up with Alice…” Faith’s mom laughed and to Jake it sounded like it was slightly forced. “We all thought you were with Alice”, Jake smiled, Faith tossed him a dirty look. “Speaking of Alice, have you heard from her, Faith?” “No.” “You two were such good friends, it’s a shame what happened…” “It’s okay, mom, life goes on. People grow.” “What happened between you and Alice, Faith? You two were best buds in high school, I just assumed you still talked to her…” “I’ll tell you later, Jake… now’s not really a good time---“ “They had a fight. Alice went to live in a van somewhere in the South west, and Faith followed her one true love to college.” “Shut it, Jimmy, or I’ll punch your lungs out!” “Faith Robbins! That is no way to talk to your brother! You’ve embarrassed Jake, now, Jimmy, that’s no way to treat guests. Come, help me with coffee, Jake, you want coffee?” “Sure.” Jake wasn’t sure if it came out at all or he had just mouthed it. But Mrs. Robbins grabbed Jimmy’s ear, to which he reminded her he was almost thirty, and dragged him off into the living room. Jake looked at Faith, she could tell by his expression he was shocked. And who could blame him? If her mom hadn't said anything than maybe the situation would be under control, but now... Faith shook her head. Why does everyone think I followed Jake to college. It sounded good, she almost believed it wasn't true. “It’s not true. I didn’t follow you to school, Jake, you can stop looking at me like that.” continued on Friday ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
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EVERYTHING JAKE is TM & (C) 2000-2011 by Mike Rosenzweig. |