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Everything Jake, 1006: Junior Year 2: Autobiography: Finale “To rid the world of evil? No matter the cost? What the hell is this, a serial from the 1950’s, Jenkins? This week on the Phantom: I WILL RID THE WORLD OF ALLLLLLL EVVVVIIIIILLLLL…. NO MATTER THE COST!!! ” “I don’t think you understand that I wasn’t kidding around with you Jake.” “Jenkins, I don’t care.” “But surely you see how such a man could be dangerous…” “Rid the world of all evil? Doesn’t sound so bad…” “You do not understand, you are tired, and most of all, you are too young. I will one day show you this pocket universe, maybe it’ll jar some memory in that thick skull of yours. But, for now, you need your rest. I’m going to take you back up to school, one of your teachers wouldn’t give you a incomplete.” “What? They said… they said it would be taken care of.” “It was. All but one.” “Which one? Wait, let me guess, my English teacher. Advanced Non-Fiction 2. Flannery.” “Flannery is a good man, you should talk to him, do whatever it takes.” “Can I throw him out the window using just the powers of my mind?” “Yes, but then you’ll jeopardize the little bit of freedom you’re allowed.” “I hate you guys, you know that?” “You don’t even have half the reasons to hate us, Jake, but if I was in your shoes, I would feel the same.” “So it’s summer school for me, that’s the thanks I get for spending five years in a pocket dimension with a lunatic. So-called lunatic good guy.” “I don’t think you’ll need to go to summer school, actually, we’ve set up a two month vacation for you. You’re going to stay with your uncle and cousin, in San Diego. We…. We figured it would be good for you.” “Faith and Kelly and Trish go.” “We can manage Faith.” “Kelly and Trish.” “We can only manage for Faith, Jake. But your friends are welcome to join you.” “Okay, fine, whatever, like I have a say in it anyways.” “I’m going to lay down now”, I said, resting my head on the pillow. It felt like there was only two feathers in the pillow, each one the size of a football. Jenkins nodded, and left the room, leaving me to myself. The light buzzed the electric death of florescence. I didn’t notice the slight bzzz before, and tried my best to ignore it. Rest, I need some rest now. Except… I didn’t let Jenkins on to it, but the flash of Randall Cohen seemed to burn into my psyche. I could see him, but it was blurry. Some part of me wanted to see it more clearer, and feelings of things past wanted to come clear, but couldn’t. It’s hard to remember something that really never happened. I felt flashes, glimmers, shadows, of Kelly, of Faith, Mecca, for some reason, in this cloud of a Randall memory. I felt… Mercy… and… I closed my eyes and tried to think of better things. Of better times. I tried to think of Faith, and how much I missed her. It would be good to see her again. And in California, no less, with my real uncle and coz. They told me I slept for twelve hours, if I dreamed, I didn’t remember it. Thank goodness for small favors. Jenkins drove me back north in his car (after a small ferry ride to Connecticut), an Altima, I believe. The color: Sea Breeze. I never pictured Jenkins the kind of guy in an Altima. A Sea Breeze Altima. It didn’t have a good system and all he played was Dave Matthews Band. I wonder about Jenkins. The semester was done, I had missed finals, everything. My flight left in two days, it took me one and a half to gain the courage to go see my smart, no, brilliant English Professor. Luckily, for me, he was a kind soul and let me off, in a way. Write a final exam to knock the socks off. I don’t know if any socks are going to be knocked off, but here it is. The Final, Jake’s Autobiography. Hope ya like it, Professor. And I know this is a non-fiction class, so I hope you didn’t mind some “liberties” that I took. I do, after all, want to write comic books one day. --Jake Bruno 8/10/03 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
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EVERYTHING JAKE is TM & (C) 2000-2011 by Mike Rosenzweig. |