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Everything Jake 1010: And Then… Kelly sunk into his couch and waited until the starting screen for Madden 2004 loaded up. It felt good to be home, he thought, it almost seemed as if California never existed. One thing good about coming home to your own apartment, it doesn’t mind that you were away and takes you back as if you never left. “Hey Megoth, we playing or what?” “Gimme a second, Kelly, I’m just checking on how the new build of Albert is doing.” “Ever figure out what A.L.B.E.R.T. stands for?” “Actually, it’s just Albert again. The acronym name Albie melted down, not enough RAM. I was able to salvage some of the memory chips for this new, sleeker build. I figure he’ll be done in about 1.2 days, but it necessary right now for him to be powered up. If anything would happen to the power…” “As long as you didn’t give him claws, Megoth.” “What… what do you take me for… an… an idiot?” “You gave him claws, didn’t you?” “If he decides to go on another Albert Quest, he needs self-defense. At least the electro shock is dramatically toned down. But don’t worry, nothing bad is ever going to happen again.” “Famous last words.” “I know, exciting, right?” “Where’s my sister and the freshman?” “They went out, believe to the mall. Clothes shopping. Shouldn’t be out too long. Ready to play Madden?” “Are you sure you wanna play? I kind of remember someone beating you 18 times in a row….” “An aberration, at best.” “18 times? Maybe 3 or 4 times in a row would be an aberration, but 18? That’s mad phat skillz.” “Yeah, whatever. I don’t feel the need to remind you about--” “Don’t’ say it. You promised you’d never say it.” “—Soul Caliber. Last time I checked my Dreamcast VMU, I believe the score was 185, to 10.” “I told you never to bring up Soul Caliber… I’m just not good at 3-D fighters…” “Or 2-D, need I remind you about the Geek--” “Hi honey! We’re home!” Rosey, uh, Rose walked into the living room, her friend Sam close behind her. Rosey went over to Megoth and planted a kiss on his cheek, and saw Kelly, and threw herself over him. “KELLY! You’re home! Yay!” “Hey Kelly. I mean, Rosey. I mean, whatever. Howyadoing?” “Good! Oh! Meet Sam, she’s from our, well, my old neighborhood. She’s going to be a freshman here…!” Kelly looked behind him and there stood Sam, holding a bag from H&M and a goofy yet endearing smile. Her hair was jet black and very short, her eyes were emeralds. The half shirt revealed a small belly and partially no hips, her navel was pierced. “Hi Kelly…” The way she said hi Kelly was like she was expecting something, some sort of reaction from Kelly that he didn’t know. It was almost as if she expected him to know her… had he seen her before? If she was from the Brooklyn then it was possible… if she was a freshman she would be a year younger than Rosey… Sam… from the neighborhood… nothing. “Hiya Sam… nice to meet… you?” “You owe me five bucks, Rosey, he doesn’t remember me…!” “I’m so disappointed in you, Kelly.” Kelly shot a look over to Megoth, as if to say, You-Should-Have-Told-Me-Dick. Rosey threw a pillow at Kelly. “I told him not to say anything, brother. Don’t be mad at him because you’re too dense to remember Sammy…” “Wait… Sammy?!!?” It rushed into Kelly’s head like a bad dream. He didn’t remember a Sam… kinda tall, skinny chick, attractive, but he did remember Sammy, short, chubby, wore glasses, hell, he had even… “Didn’t I… watch you one day?” “You mean babysat?” “I meant watch you when your parents weren’t there… Okay, it was babysitting, but, crap, Sammy… Sam… that was like, what, ten years ago? You look totally different…” “It was only like six years ago… but its okay, I didn’t think you’d remember me… I’m like a thousand percent different…” She smiled and walked over to the couch. She sat down next to Kelly, close, but not too close. “How about this? We’ll start over.” “Sounds good.” “Rosey… why don’t you introduce me to your older brother?” “Why of course, Sam. Sam, this is my older brother of the same namesake, Kelly Rose.” “Oh, isn’t that funny how your name is her name? I’m Sam, nice to meet you, male Kelly Rose.” “And you too, Sam I didn’t get your last name. And it’s funny, there are more of us Kelly Roses, including an evil twin of myself, in fact.” “Ah yes”, Megoth said, “Dark Kelly.” “Yeah, Rosey was telling me all the stuff you guys have done, I’m dying to meet this Jake guy.” “You will, Sam. He should be home soon. So, Megoth, we playing football or what?” “Is that Madden? My brother had this game… he never let me play…” She pouted, in a super cute kind of way. Oh yeah, Kelly thought, she wants me… Wait… that’s right… didn’t Sam have a brother around my age? What was his name? Wait… isn’t he the one… “What was your brother’s name, Sam? Wasn’t he my age?” “You make it sound like your SO much older, Kelly. His name was Dominic, he was a year older than you… but… you heard what happened to him, right?” “I don’t remember much… I remember… a fire?” “You could call it that. Our house burnt down. We all got out okay, or else it would be hard for me to be so matter-of-fact about all of this, but he did suffer some bad burns to his face. It doesn’t look too bad now, but back then we called him Mask for a year or two. You know, from that Cher movie?” “Sam, that’s horrible, funny, but horrible all the same. What’s he up to now, that Dom?” “Law School. NYU. He should be graduating early.” “Nice”, Kelly said, feeling way more disgusted in himself. He fully remembered the kid now, what a total fucking loser. Well, who was the loser now? “Chris, Kelly, only play one game, me and Sammy are hungry and we want to go out and eat…” “Rosey, it’s only about a quarter after four… how could you be hungry?” “Shopping takes a lot out of me Meggie…” “Ah--” “Did you just call him Meggie? My GOD, that’s awesome.” “Are we going to play or not, Kelly?” “Sure, Meggie, pick your team.” Kelly picked the Falcons, he figured since Michael Vick was on the cover, he might be the best player. Sam told Kelly he should be the Giants, Kelly mentioned that while he might be a Giants fan, this is video game football, there’s no room for favorites. Megoth picked Philly, thinking if there was anyone to counter Video Vick, it was Video McNabb. Rosey said she like Philly because she thought McNabb was hot because she saw him on MTV Cribs. The kick off screened loaded up and Kelly kicked off the ball to hoots and hollers from the girls. The TV all of a sudden slowly faded off, as did all the lights. They flashed back on, but the Playstation had reset itself. “What the--”, Kelly managed, and then the lights went out for good. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
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EVERYTHING JAKE is TM & (C) 2000-2011 by Mike Rosenzweig. |