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(note: okay, thank you all for the entires to what the “media” (okay, me) is calling the Final Exam Grade Contest for an EJake related sketch. So far, everyone has given the reason: not non-fiction. This is a valid reason, I agree, but it’s not what I’m looking for. There are two or three specific points I wrote as Flannery’s reason. My advice? Go back to Jan., and read the whole thing. Then think you as a teacher (of course, don’t look at spelling and grammar, as more on plot and composition). Read the whole thing, and treat it as a complete story. then get back to me at my yahoo or AOL address. First one with the right letter grade (one or three of you got that right) and the reson I’m looking for wins. Like I said, first one in wins, so it is possible for you to get the right answer, and not win, even though I’ll probably do something for everyone that gets at least the reason I’m looking for right. Thanks! - Mike) Kelly Rose packed up his clothes and realized he had three too many black tee shirts. When did that happen, he thought, and he tossed another one into his bag. I could have sworn I had another kind of tee shirt. Oh well, maybe when I get back to New York, I’ll buy something not black. Maybe something with a band. Then again, maybe not. ![]() Jake poked his head in the room Kelly had been calling his own. “You almost ready, dog?” “Yeah, and Jake?” “Hm?” “Never call me ‘dog’ again, kay?” “Okay, boss.” Jake’s head disappeared from the doorway. Kelly smiled slightly. Something about that kid, ever since California. He’s a lot different, more confident. Kelly wasn’t sure if Jake even realized it. It was good, good for him. It was about time. Funny how things change in just three years. Kelly made himself comfortable in the back seat of the car Jake was driving. Faith was already in the car, her perfume lingered. It was a soft smell, feminine. Kelly found it pleasing but not sexually arousing. She looked back and smiled at him, Jake turned the keys and the engine hummed to life. “Looking forward to going home, Kelly?” “Yes and no.” They didn’t talk again until they were on the highway. Kelly was looking out the window, he was still in awe of how beautiful California was. Going to have to come back here, one day, he thought. Maybe for a longer stay, maybe even tour the coast, from San Diego all the way up to San Fran, maybe even further. Gonna have to stop at Marin, he thought, and punch George Lucas in the face for ruining Star Wars. Faith looked back at him again. He caught her glance. She was totally different now, too. She was always pretty, in that good-girl-next-door kind of way, but now… she also seemed to radiate confidence. Well, if my boyfriend / whatever had these super powers, I’d be pretty confident too. He then thought about Mercy for a second, she did have super powers, so to say, and shock her out of his head. And stay out. “Whatcha gonna do when you get back, Kelly?” “I know where this is going, Ms. Robbins.” “What? I was just asking…” “You want to know if I’m going to talk to Trish, right?” “Since you brought it up…” “Sigh. I’ve spent the last couple of weeks trying to sort things out, Faith, I honestly don’t know if I should call her or not.” “I think you should.” “Why? Have you spoke to her? How’s… how’s she doing? I mean…” “She’s… okay. Not great, but okay. I would think, and mind you, she didn’t tell me this, but I would think that she might want to… you know… see your face.” “See my face?” “You know what I mean.” “I don’t know. I still get… kind of pissed when I think about everything. I’ll see.” “She would like to hear from you at least, Kelly, isn’t that right, Jake?” Jake quickly looked over, in a what the hell are you involving me for kind of look. “Uh… sure.” “So, Jake, you think I should call her?” “Well, I mean”, Jake glanced back at him, smiling, “if not for anything but to have sex one last time. She is damn hot.” Faith hit his arm, and he yelped at her not to hit him while he’s driving, she commented that he didn’t feel it anyway, and he was like, still. Totally insensitive and male pig were thrown in there somewhere. Kelly found himself smiling again. “When’s the wedding?” Faith gasped and threw the box of tissues they were keeping in the front seat at Kelly. He put both his arms up and blocked it, laughing. “Come on, Faith, look at you too, it’s like you’re married already!” “We’re too young”, she spat out, not as full as venom as one would think. “And plus”, Jake inserted, “whose to say we’re not married already?” “Certainly acting like a married couple.” “KELLY!” Faith shrieked, and while she didn’t turn around, Kelly could tell her face was beat red. “I’m just messing with ya. I’m sure you’re both still virgins. Jake will probably die a virgin.” “Um…” “Not a good idea to speak, Jake.” Faith gave him another look, her cheeks still red, but she was smiling. “Virgin.” Kelly took a fresh smoke from the pack, and opened his window. “So how much longer y’all staying out here? Don’t classes start soon?” Faith answered. “Classes do start a bit early this year, but we’ll be home in about ten days. I’m… I’m running a freshman orientation this year… so I have to be upstate a little earlier this year.” “You’re going to be a perr advisor?” “No, I’m running a freshman orientation. Remember when we started? It was very helpful and informative, and I just… want to pass that… why are you laughing?” “I didn’t go to my freshman orientation.” “Me neither.” “They’re for sissy losers.” “You guys… both of you… are incorrigible.” “You have to tell me if there are any hot chicks there, Faith, I’m excited about the new coming crop of fresh meat.” “Early reports are this is a good batch, Kelly.” “Hopefully, Jake, we haven’t had a good class since 1999.” “Um…” “I’m including your class in that, too, yes.” Kelly flicked his cigarette out the window. He leaned back in his seat and thought about New York. Should he call her? He actually didn’t think about her too much down here, putting it off, locking it away. But now he had to face it, he was going home again. He guessed he would have to face Trish sooner or later. Rather it be later than sooner, but he wanted to avoid that awkward chance meeting situation. It didn’t help that they were all fucking friends. I’ll call her, he finally decided. Even if it is just to have sex, she was really hot, after all. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
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EVERYTHING JAKE is TM & (C) 2000-2011 by Mike Rosenzweig. |