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back to five a weeks - hope ya like Everything Jake #1028 Jake smiled as he got behind the wheel of his cousin’s Explorer. He could still see the look on Noah’s face, it was one of those moments that would be forever etched in his visual memory. He remembered the other significant memories, some good some not so good. Faith’s eyes when he kissed her and meant it the first time. His father, right after his mother died, trying to hold back tears. Noah’s face when Jake floated his glass in front of him. Mind’s Eye TiVo. Priceless. It was probably dangerous to do that, all out in the public like that, but he needed Noah to believe. He didn’t know why, just that he did. It was the Randall dreams. That was not exactly true, because Randall wasn’t in them, Jake just felt like he was. Jake couldn’t remember one specific detail about the Randall dreams, except that he felt Randall’s presence and there was definatley horses in there somewhere. And he needed Noah Goodman to believe he had powers. I need to talk to someone about the dreams. But who? Hector was out of the question, Jake was going to try hard to not talk to his so-called uncle anymore. What about the guy from the White Room? What was his name? Larry? Barry? No, it was Larry. Doesn’t he owe me a pizza? Fuck him, then, I don’t want to talk to anyone associated with that stupid island anyways. Can’t be Mercy’s uncle either. Guy probably wants to see my head on a pike. Darlington? Styles? Sigh. Guess it had to be Jenkins. Jenkins. There was a name from the past he hadn’t thought about in forever. I guess I’m to be taking his stupid self-defense class, so I guess I could go to him about these dreams. Just wish I could remember them. Horses. What the fuck, man. In a half hour, Jake was walking into his uncle’s house. He absorbed it all in, he was going to miss California and did not want to take a second here for granted. Who knows when I’ll be back, he thought. If I’ll ever be back. Somewhere, he felt like he would, but you never know. Could die tomorrow, he smiled, and he opened the door to see Faith Robbins sitting on a oversized Ikea chair reading a book. The sun from the back patio made her hair glisten. “You look beautiful,” Jake smiled, giving her a kiss on the cheek. She gave him a weak smile back. “Where’ve ya been?” “I told you, I was meeting Noah for lunch. I… I had to tell him.” She was against it. The less people who knew the less trouble it would cause. Jake agreed with her, to a point. I’m not Spider-Man, Faith, I’m not putting on a stupid costume, I don’t have an alter ego to protect. But he knew she was right, but the feeling was so strong to let Noah in… Jake tried to remember when he told Faith (or Kelly, even) that he had powers but couldn’t remember. Probably just one of those things, he was positive he had told them, just… when? “So did you tell him what I told you?” “Yeah, the story with the mugger? He bought it. Hook, line, and sinker. I know I keep you around for a reason, Robbins.” The mugger story was Faith’s idea. Jake wanted to just show him, but Faith thought the story would be better. Jake decided to leave out the cup thing. “Really? Maybe he’s not as smart as you think. You didn’t do anything stupid, did you?” “No. I mean, besides this shirt.” “I like the Superman shirt, it looks sexy on you.” “You know what would even be sexier?” “What?” “You naked.” “Oh, stop it Jake Bruno.” “Seriously? A lot sexier.” “I said stop it, your cousin might hear…!” “Oh, Mitchell’s home?” “Yeah, I was talking to him before. He’s like you, but not.” “He’s like me if I was dipped in California.” “Right.” “Whatcha reading?” “Timeline, by Michael Crichton. It’s okay. Not the worst book, but not the best.” “Yeah, I hear that. Could ya believe it’s almost time for school to start again. I haven’t vegged out all summer yet.” “Well, sit down, sexy man, Uncle Bruno has all the channels.” Jake sat down on the couch next to Faith and popped on the TV. She settled back into her book and Jake flipped through the channels. Nothing on. Nothing even close to being on. Faith put her feet in his lap and tossed him a ‘thank-you, now I’m comfy’ smile. He rubbed the top of her foot slightly and then realized he might as well take a nap. He had a Randall dream. Things were moving very fast, all in a blur, as if the world were stuck in a rainbow ice slurpee. There was the clash of metal on metal, a swordfight. There was a small box with an ornate rose decoration on it, but he felt dread of what it contained. There was a horse, a great brown and white with a huge head with deep brown, almost black eyes. It opened it’s mouth too wide for a horse and Jake awoke in a yelp. Faith’s head was still behind her book. “You okay, hon?” Something in her voice. Jake noticed the sun was almost down, the living room was a hazy red-orange. “Yeah. Bad dream.” “About the horses?” “Yeah… you okay, Faith?” “No. I think you should go speak to Mitchell. I think he overheard what we were talking about last night. I think he knows you have powers.” Jake didn’t move, he felt like his blood was ice. “Why… why would you think that?” “I have an idea. He’s just inside. Why don’t you go talk to him?” Faith lowered the book, instead of her usual brown eyes, her eyes were sky blue. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
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EVERYTHING JAKE is TM & (C) 2000-2011 by Mike Rosenzweig. |