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Tuesday, January 13, 2004
“Why…,” Jake still couldn’t move, locked to the couch, “why are your eyes blue?”

“Her eyes changed? I don’t think that’s ever happ… come to the kitchen, Jake, come talk to your cousin.”

“I… what’s going on?”

“I’m going to release her, just come into the kitchen.” Faith’s eyes rolled into the back of her head, she gave out a soft sigh, and slumped over, the softcover book falling to the ground.

Jake reached over and put his hand on her cheek, it was warm. She quietly leaned into it, sleeping, it looks like. The blood returned to Jake’s legs, he slowly got up, and looked toward the kitchen. Mitchell. What the hell was going on? Was it really him – or was it someone else. One of those fucks from the island. Maybe I’m dreaming. Maybe this is one of those Kiani dreams. Where did that come from? How did I just remember that?

“JAKE!” Mitchell Bruno’s voice, from the kitchen. Not dreaming. Good (I think).

Taking small, baby steps Jake walked to the kitchen door, and slowly opened it. Sitting next to the table, Mitchell looked up at him. Sky blue eyes. Mitchell smiled.

The first comic Today's comic
 DEC   January 2004   FEB

EVERYTHING JAKE is TM & (C) 2000-2011 by Mike Rosenzweig.