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Everything Jake. 702 Superhero U (continued) by Mike Rosenzweig (who can't promise art tomorrow but will try) MEANWHILE: Kelly Rose stands (alone) against one of the trees that make up the lining of the Quad. We've never actually seen the Quad, but they have, and frequent it often, while walking to class and what not. But it's there, and it's lined with lots of trees and grass and paths and would make your allergies come alive this time of year. Kelly takes another puff of his smoke and watches as the college passes him by. Where the hell was Megoth already? Megoth was running late due to the breaking news over the internet that so-and-so was going to be doing so-and-so comic book replacing so-and-so. Fascinating stuff. For him and his legion of geeks, dorks, and more people like you and me. He posts his messages and goes to meet Kelly in the so-called Quad. Stepping outside, the brightness of the sun startles Megoth a little bit. He smiles, only because his other reaction would be to run away screaming and crying like a little bitch. Ah, Sun, how I don't miss thee. Megoth thinks he's smart. Smart as in, wise ass. Not many people agree. By the time he reaches Kelly in the Quad, there's a thin layer of sweat on his face and his shirt is sticking to his back and love handles. Apparently, from Gorney Hall to the Quad is a little bit, but not too much, of a walk. Megoth decides it's time to try and be smart again. "Smoking is bad for you, you know." "So is telling smokers that smoking is bad for you. What took ya so long, fattie?" "Internet hype, same ol' same ol'. And stop calling me fat, asswipe, ever since Melinda came into my life I've lost almost three pounds." "It wasn't in your eyebrows, tell ya that." "What?" "Nuthing. You ever find her?" "No." "How about Albert?" "I can't find him either." "No… I meant… nevermind." They both look in opposite directions, a moment of uncomfortable silence. But that was okay. They've been friends for a long while. But everyone knew that already, right? "You really think that someone is after that goofy bastard?" "I would hardly call Jake a goofy bastard, Kelly. You yourself said that there's something special about him. And yes, I think that there's a definite source that's targeting our young friend Bruno." "All this shit, man. I came to school for chicks and beer, not this other dimension, evil twin, killer robot, superhero bullshit. It doesn't make sense." "The whole world doesn't make sense, Kelly. Ever… have you… have you ever thought of that? I can't explain everything. Just about 99 percent of everything. (snicker*snicker)" "Is that your new little joke?" "Yeah… ain't it great?" "Sure." "So what do you think of my plan?" "I think it sucks, to be honest with you. But… okay. You owe me, though, Chris, and so does he." "Lucky… lucky to… lucky to have friends to watch his back, you know?" "Very." Another moment of silence, this one not really uncomfortable. A couple of pretty girls walk by, and Kelly smiles at them. Still got the magic, still can bag any piece that walks my way. They ignore him. For a second, he thinks he just said what he was thinking out loud, and then realized he chopped off all his hair. Like that guy from the freaking bible, I lost all my powers when I lost my hair. Gotta find something warm that likes the bald/shaved look. "Hey Megoth, think it'll work?" "Think what'll work?" "Your plan." "Sure, I mean, it's my plan." "Riiiiiight." "No… no need to mention any other of my plans. Hey… hey Kelly… ever wonder what it would be like to fly?" This is where if it was drawn, you would see the camera pan up and out from the top view of Kelly and Megoth standing next to aforementioned tree. Kelly would flick his cigarette. Megoth would maybe look at some girls and get embarrassed. One the last panel, Kelly would say, "No." Then you would be left wondering what they've been talking about, but only for another day (or two, or three) (or four) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
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EVERYTHING JAKE is TM & (C) 2000-2011 by Mike Rosenzweig. |