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(text until Tuesday, I'm in Maryland on a spot of a vacation) #711 - After Movie Conversation SPOLIER WARNING!!! Don't read if you want Episode 2 spoiled for you! JAKE: So, what did everyone think? JOE: I don't believe Megoth feel asleep... Megoth: It wasn't my fault... I... I was tired...! JAKE: And he'd seen it before we left... NICK: You downloaded it? GREG: Blasphemy! Megoth: Look! I... I couldn't help it... It was there, so I had to take it... I'm sure... sure that you... you would have done the same! JOE: Not me. NICK: But you downloaded "The New Guy", Joe. GREG: Yup he did. JOE: Shut up, Nick, at least I like girls. NICK: And DJ Qualls, it seems. GREG: The New Guy. Worst movie ever. JAKE: How awesome was it to see Yoda to use his lightsaber? GREG: Star Wars, Attack of the Clones. Best movie ever. Megoth: How did it look on the big screen? JAKE: Good. JOE: Really good. NICK: Really fucking good. GREG: Best movie ever. Megoth: I'm not... not too... not too upset, I mean I have tickets to the Sunday show at the Quad-- JOE: But the Quad's not digital, Chris. And it's not the city. You really missed an amazing oppurtunity here. Loser. Megoth: I know, but at least my hair isn't frosted. silence JAKE: Y'know which moment that shocked me the most? I mean, I tried to stay away from spoilers and the internet, and I think I did a pretty good job because this image really shocked the hell out of me. Yoda coming in with an army of stroomtroopers. JOE: Clone Troopers. They were Clone Troopers. JAKE: But they're going to be Storm Troopers. NICK: What's Lucas going to do, go back into the original trilogy and change all the Troopers voices to Jango Fett's? GREG: I didn't know Jango Fett was Hispanic...! NICK: He's not, he's Austrailian. GREG: But he looked Hispanic. NICK: No, he didn't. JAKE: But look, think of it. Whenever we read or heard about the "Clone Wars" we, or at least, I always thought that it was the Jedi against the Clones. But it's not. The Jedi are the Clones. JOE: Did you read the Time article, Jake? In it, Lucas said that everyone was waiting for the Empire to take over the Republic, but what no one understood is that the Empire is the Republic. JAKE: I know, but seeing Obi-Won and Mace fight along side of the Troopers still is like... wow. Episode One was all set-up, but think of it. So is this one. Everyone, everyone is going to get fucked hard in Episode Three. Megoth: Revenge of the Sith. JOE: What? Megoth: Call it here first. Episode Three should be called Revenge of the Sith. Makes sense. JAKE: They are all going to get fucked. Hard. Right up the ass. Think about it. The only ones that are going to survive is Yoda and Obi-Won, but he's going to go into hiding on Tatooine. Mace, all the hot female Jedi, Jar Jar, Padme, all die. NICK: In a way, Anakin dies too. GREG: Only to be reborn in Return of the Jedi. NICK: By the hand of his son. GREG: That's now the best movie moment, ever. Megoth: Are we going to the Diner now? I'm in the mood for catsup with fries. JOE: Yeah, there's one by the room. I have a test on Monday so we're leaving the city early in the morning. JAKE: We're going to leave early too. Megoth: So where's this Diner? JAKE: Everyone. Going to be. Fucked. Wow. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
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EVERYTHING JAKE is TM & (C) 2000-2011 by Mike Rosenzweig. |