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![]() Everything Jake: Sunday Reads number six nine two by michael rosenzweig "Why do I have to go?" "Because you're the one who is like in love with all of them upstairs!" "I never told you I was in love with Mercy!!" "What?" "Or… or Trish! Or Sandy!" "But you slept with Sandy…!" Megoth interjected. "Will you… you two please… please stop it. The anti-depression ray should not have stopped working so soon. Jake, it's critical you go up there, and zap them with this hand held I just whipped up. I will take the first floor and Kelly will take this floor, which leaves you the third floor." "Why can't I have this floor?" "I called it first." "Just go, Jake, zap them, and come back. It's that easy." "Yeah, and try not to sleep with any of them on the way back." "You're just jealous that I could still." "Right. You got me. Just go." * * * * * * * Mercedes walked through the door and the smell of staircases hit her and reminded her how much she hated the dorms. It was the smell of paint that never dries and sweat that never goes away mixed in with an after taste of old piss and not so old puke. She hiked up the steps, a little sore from the morning jog. She had pushed herself a little further today, as she tries to do every day. Go the extra mile, her dad would say, proud. I wonder what he would think of his little girl now, she thought. She also wondered if he knew anything about Jenkins class and if he didn't (how could he?) how would she tell him? Dad, guess what, I could move things with my mind, want some more coffee? Perhaps he would nod, and say that's nice dear, like when he did when she told him she got accepted to a New York State school. Mm-hm, that's nice dear, go the extra mile. Like I always would. Sure, he pays for it. Sure, he's not such a bad dad. Sure-- "Oh, what the fuck!" "Shit… I didn't--- Mercy. Uh, hi." She couldn't really get mad a Jake, even though he almost took her face off with the large metal door. She couldn't get mad at him because he looked like a lost puppy, big sad eyes and a droopy frown. That, and he was carrying something that looked like a ray gun. "What did you do to your hair?" "I cut it. For you. Thought you'd like me better this way." "It's working, up until you almost hit me with this door. Going out?" "No, upstairs, you?" "Just got back from jogging. Were you planning on shooting all of us with you fancy looking ray gun?" "Yes." "Ah. Well, tell me why as we walk up." Jake told her what Megoth told him. They were experiencing a sort of shift to the aggressive, and the reason of which was probably someone had a "negative energy" ray pointed at the dorm. Megoth thought it was about someone trying to get him. Mercy nodded, thinking that this was probably not the case. She asked if he talked to Jenkins yet. Jake said he would before the next self defense class. "Think it's really about Megoth?" "Think it's really a negative energy ray?", she smiled back. "I actually like your hair. Makes you look like the new Anakin, a little bit." "Really?" "No." She tossed him a playful punch in the arm. "Come on, Jakey, lighten up. You look so serious lately." "I guess I am a little serious lately. If someone is after m--- Megoth, then I should find out who it is. I don't like people coming after my friends." "Who do you think it is?" "No idea. And that's what's bothering me." They reached the third floor, and before Mercy could open the door, she puts herself in front of it, facing Jake. "Is… that all that's bothering you?" "Maybe." She takes his hand in hers and puts it on her waist, and draws herself closer to him. She whispers in his ear, and her hands slide around his neck. "Don't you want me?" Jake moves his hand from her waist to her hips. She smells fantastic. He lets her kiss his neck, and (((ZAPPPPPT!!!!!))). The landing of the staircase they're on fills with a blue flash and Mercy falls back against the door. Jake looks at the gun and shrugs. "Um… I guess I… misfired." Mercy puts her hands on her head. She shakes it. "Ow… I have the biggest freaking headache… but, holy shit, Jake, whatever that gun did made me get a better hold on myself… did I… did I just come on to you?" Jake swallows hard, the wet from the kiss still on his neck. "No. Well, I mean you did, but, I knew it had to be, the uh-" "Negative ray zone." "Or something like that, yeah." "I'm sorry, Jake, I don't know what came over me. I… I apologize." "No need. You know those negative rays… uh… ha ha." "Let's go, I'm sure the other girls are either making out all over the place with each other or fighting tooth and nail." They walk a couple of steps to the door when Mercy stops him. "Uh, if they're making out with each other all over the place you better let me go in a shoot them. That's something you may want to see too much." "What does that mean?" "Whatever you want it to, killer. Oh, looks like they're fighting, shhh… listen…" Jake and Mercy giggle a little bit at the screams coming from within. Jake hears a little of Faith's voice and starts to feel a pain in the pit of his stomach. Wasn't he, like, over her years ago? "…. Slept with her boyfriend! You may not have actually done "it", but there was something going on! It's time you both realized that if it's anyone's fault, it's JAKE'S!!!" Jake steps back from the door, not really knowing what to feel. Did he really cause this mess with the girls he thought he was friends with? Sure, Mecca ended badly, and sure, there may or may not have been something with Sandy, but that was a while ago… why…. Why were they-- "I don't think it's your fault, Jake. I spoke with Mecca on this, you two had way more problems and the whole Sandy thing was just the straw that broke the camel's back. Yeah, I believe you when you said you guys were brain washed. It's not your fault." "Th-thanks, Mercy. That means a lot. But let's go in there before they kill each other." * * * * * * * "I said what to who?" Faith was the first too speak. Just five minutes before, Jake, of all people, burst into the room with a laser gun and flashed this blue light that shut everyone up. Then they all stared at each other. Then they all hugged, with a very lucky Jake in the middle, and then they all cried, except Jake, who opted instead to leave rather quickly. "I don't think it matters, Faithy, we all said a lot that we didn't mean and from what Mercy said, it was not any of our faults. "True, wouldn't it be great if all our fights could be the reason of negative energy rays?" "Yeah, Meck, but what's a negative energy ray?" "You of all people shouldn't be so surprised with all the weird shit that goes on here, Sandy." At that, they all laughed. "I think we might need to do some serious drinking tonight." "You go that right, Trish." "I really called you a Smelly Beaver?" ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
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EVERYTHING JAKE is TM & (C) 2000-2011 by Mike Rosenzweig. |