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I know I said Wednesday, but here's something a little early, a gift from me to you, seeya's on the 9th, and GET THOSE FAN ART SUBMISSIONS IN!!! If you sent it in the last month or so by just clicking the link, then, uh, crap, send it again, becasue the link has been wrong all this time (the address, however, is right, but when you click it it's the wrong link). I'd like to hope to believe that's why I haven't gotten much in so far (but what I have is good stuff). Just re-send everything, please, unless I e-mailed you thanking you. :)) And, again, Happy Holidays! Everything Jake #843 Junior Year But and Maybe “So you like your gift, Jake?” “Sure, um, it’s awesome, Faith, don’t know really what to say… do you like yours?” “It’s fantastic.” "I kind of feel a little silly… I mean…” “It’s fantastic, Jake, really... “I love it.” “I feel totally inadequate, Faith, but it’s okay, since it’s your fault.” “Sorry. I’ll make you feel more like a man in a while.” “But… you didn’t have to spend—“ “I have it, and it makes me happy to see you happy.” “But…” “All your saying is but this, but that, enough.” “What did your dad get you?” “Clothes, a bit of money. Becky got me a Playstation game. Not too bad a Christmas.” “Good. Good for you.” “There’s a gift under the tree at my house, when you get over there. I don’t know what it is, my dad got it for you.” “Then I’m scarred.” “You should be. He’s scary.” “Not as scary as what my dad would have gotten you.” “I’m sure I would have loved it.” “He got Harrison a tie. It was actually funny. Harry had no idea what it was until my dad showed him.” “I don’t find that too hard to believe.” “It was a really ugly tie.” “So Harrison must have loved it.” “He wore it only once.” “Hey Jake, ever wonder why we’re all here?” “All the time.” “No, I mean it.” “Me too Faith.” “You’re making fun of me.” “I would never make fun. Of you. In your house. On Christmas.” “I’m serious, after this past year, with all the bad things that have happened to us, ever wonder what the point of it really is?” “Now you’re really scaring me.” “Why, think I’m gonna kill myself? That’s what the shrink thought, too. I don’t understand why some people can’t differentiate philosophy and suicidal tendencies.” “I don’t think you want to kill yourself, Faith, after all, you’re my girlfriend... I get what you’re saying, however. Why are we on Earth. Why do we exist.” “Ever think about it, really think about it?” “All the time, I wasn’t making fun.” “Sometimes, I just look at people. I sit there, on campus, under a tree or in the library, and just watch people do what they do.” “A people watcher.” “Exactly, I could just do that for hours. I think: why do we put ourselves through this? Why is it that we place such high importance on things that are really not important in the long run, in the big picture? I’ve seen people hysterical, I mean really, really hysterical about a test or a bad grade on a paper.” “Maybe it’s just the straw that breaks the camel’s back? That’s what I’ve always thought. People keep everything inside and wait for the moment where they simply just burst, everything pours out at once and there’s nothing you could do to stop it.” “I believe that to a point. Yeah, a lot of people do it, myself included. But that’s not what I’m thinking about now. Think of your day. We wake up, get dressed, leave the house like zombies and pursue these little things that the universe we live in cares nothing for.” “Have you been reading Discover magazine? I get like this when I’ve been reading Discover magazine.” “No. What’s Discover magazine?” “It’s a magazine. From the people from the Discovery channel.” “Then why isn’t it called ‘Discovery Magazine’?” “Isn’t that what I said?” “No. You said…” “Wow. Talk about microcosm /macrocosm. I’m guessing that conversation is exactly what you’re talking about? Here we are having a discussion about the title of a magazine, when 10 billion light years from Earth a star bigger than anything we can imagine is exploding with the force of six trillion atomic bombs. Or more.” “Yeah. Where’s the middle ground?” “Maybe there’s no middle ground, Faith. Maybe things are the way they are because it’s all part of some plan.” “Do you really believe in God, Jake?” “No. But I do believe there’s something… something out there. That’s bigger than us. That has… some sort of power. Do you believe that, Faith?” “Yes and no. I certainly don’t believe in God, either, but that’s for my own reasons.” “Think our reasons are so different?” “No. But do I believe that there’s some sort of group of Gods? I don’t believe that either. One of the things that make us people is free will, and I tend to think I make my own decisions and take my life where I want it to go.” “Who said we have free will, Faith?” “What?” “Just playing a bit of a devils advocate, and let me tell you, this conversation is making me horny.” “Me too.” “But, seriously, who says we have free will? Another person said it. No? Then who? If I tell you that I’m the best, and tell everyone in the whole world I’m the best, wouldn’t some people think that I’m the best, simply because I told them?” “Depends, best at what?” “Doesn’t matter. Just, the best.” “I guess you’re right. But it feels like free will.” “Yes it does. Isn’t that funny that way?” “My head hurts now.” “What made you think of all this, sitting in your living room all by yourself?” “I smoked a joint before you got here. I always get like this when I’m high.” “Are you serious, Faith? You smoked a joint?” “Yeah, I’m not allowed? Figured, what else was there to do.” “See, I don’t even know where you would get pot from.” “Kelly got it for me. Been saving it for like three months. Start of the semester ritual, I think he said.” “Oh, that.” “It actually doesn’t bother me too much.” “Don’t make it a habit.” “No worries. It’s my last one.” “Got anymore?” “Sorry, Jake.” “Come here, sit with me.” “Maybe this is what it’s about Jake. Here, on my couch, laying here with you. I don’t think I’ve ever felt more important or…” “Happy.” “Happy, yeah, my whole life.” “Yeah, this is good.” “Maybe we’re really here to take care of each other. Maybe… maybe that’s what it’s all about.” “Maybe.” “I hope this is what life’s about.” “Faith, maybe life isn’t about anything except of what you make of it.” “I love you, Jake.” “W… w… what?” “I’m sorry to throw that on you, especially like this, bu—“ “I love you too.” “Are you sure?” “Yeah, Faith, I’m sure, and if I say I haven’t been sure, uh, sure-er about anything else my whole life, as a writer, I’d have to hand myself over to the cliché police.” “Sometimes life is a cliché. Clichés happen all the time, that’s why they’re clichés.” “I love you, Faith. Let’s stay like this, on the couch, forever.” “I only wish we could. Merry Christmas, Jake.” ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
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EVERYTHING JAKE is TM & (C) 2000-2011 by Mike Rosenzweig. |