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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Here’s some fan fiction by: Lord Nightrose “Let’s see what you’re capable of doing, shall we? I’ve been dying to know…” ------ jakeseyesfilledwithlightawallfallinglightsinmyeyespaindarknesssleepdeath? “Mercy…… Mercy……” The voice filled her mind. It was massive. She felt like she had been totally obliterated. Slowly… so slowly… she started regaining the feeling in her body. As soon as she got control back over her mouth, she let out a pained moan. Her limbs half asleep, she forced herself up onto her elbows. Her vision began to return in patchy blotches. Jake stood on (hovered above?) the street in front of her. The area surrounding her was littered with bricks. It seemed like the entire wall had fallen on her somehow. “Mercy. Wake up, girl. I’m not finished with you yet.” The voice was Jake’s… she thought. Maybe it wasn’t. It sounded like his, but there was something else in it – something inhuman. She looked up, and gasped in shock. Jake really was hovering over the ground. His eyes glowed with a bright energy, as if burning from within. She quickly rose (tried to rise) to her feet. Jake (not Jake) smiled at her, and she shivered. His face was cold, unfeeling, and undoubtedly evil. It couldn’t possibly be Jake. “Oh, but we are,” he (it) said, and with a start she realized he had read her thoughts. “We are him, and so much more. We are almost God, you know,” he said, and giggled. She shivered again – the giggle sounded almost demonic, and totally out of place considering the situation. “What the hell do you want from me?” she said, surprising herself at her bravery. “What have you done to Jake, and where is Faith?” “All shall be revealed in good time, dearie. In the meanwhile, you and us have a few things to deal with. For one, we cannot allow you to leave this place alive.” The Jake-thing raised its hand in the air. A jumbled collection of bricks and mortar raised up into the air, formed itself in a ball, and hurtled towards her. Mercy barely had time to raise her hands to protect herself before it hit her. Mere inches from her arms, the ball exploded against the psychic barrier she had hastily thrown up in front of her. “Well-played! A girl as quick-witted as she is pretty. Such a pity that your beautiful face will soon be made much uglier, is it not? No matter. Let’s continue.” The Jake-thing grinned maliciously. The light in its eyes flared out for a moment. Mercy felt a tightness in her chest as the very air around her began to condense. Her eyes watered under the increased pressure; her skin itched. She felt like her lungs were going to be crushed flat. “How does it feel, human? Can you feel your life slipping away slowly? Does it hurt? Does it somehow… please you? Let me taste your pain, fool!” The Jake-thing was practically roaring at her. She looked around in panic, wondering why nobody tried to stop it. Stupid people, she thought; too afraid of hurting themselves to help out. Then she realized with a start that the people seemed to be moving in slow motion. She watched, awestruck, as a bird flew lazily through the air as if it were mad of molasses. Suddenly, the Jake-thing jerked violently. The light in its eyes faded slightly, and it fell to the ground in a heap. The air around Mercy instantly reverted to normal, and she heard Jake’s voice – the real Jake – speaking softly and weakly to her. “Mercy… get out of here… I can’t hold it back for long. It’s too strong for me… please, save yourself. Run!” Jake’s body began twitching violently, moving so fast it was almost vibrating. The Jake-thing pulled Jake’s body back up into the air as if he was grabbed around the waste by a giant hand and hung on a hook. “That boy will cause me no end of trouble!” the Jake-thing said angrily. The light had once again returned to its eyes. “Foolish child; he thinks he can hold me at bay. What he doesn’t know is that I cannot be stopped. I have grown far too powerful for that. All with the help of his amazing mind, of course.” The Jake-thing raised its hands in the air in front of it, hands side-by-side in fists. With a quick, wrenching motion, it moved as if it was twisting something. Mercy screamed in agony as her left arm shattered. Her scream only egged the Jake-thing on. It did it again, and her right arm fell limp at her side. “Mercy, Mercy, Mercy… you disappoint us! We had believed you would put up more of a fight than that. You had so much potential… you were almost this boy’s equal. Speaking of whom… he’s laughing now, Mercy. Laughing to see you fall. He’s always hated you, you know. Despised you. Because you chose Kelly over him. He never did forgive you. Now, he’s laughing at your suffering, because it’s what he has always wanted.” Tears streamed down Mercy’s face as she fought to remain conscious through her pain. For a moment, she almost believed what the Jake-thing was saying, but that moment quickly passed. There was no way Jake was that cold-hearted. The Jake-thing fell gently to the ground, strode forward to her, and cupped her face in its hands. It looked her in the eyes, in a way that seemed almost loving. She snapped at it with her teeth, trying desperately to injure it somehow. It laughed at her, then pulled her face to its own. It began to lick her face… tasting her tears… as if they were some sort of fine wine. Savoring her suffering. Enjoying every last drop. “Mmm… Mercy, I do believe that you are suffering more purely than any human I have ever broken before. Good girl. However, as I said, I simply cannot allow you to live, so, sadly, the time has come for you to die.” The Jake-thing began to squeeze… digging its thumbs into her temples… wrinkling her scalp under the pressure… listening intently for the beautiful crack that would indicate her skull had begun to shatter… Mercy’s vision went red. She felt a surge of energy jolt throughout her body. The Jake-thing blinked in shock, then flew violently backwards from her. It stared at her in astonishment, taken aback at the fact that she wasn’t dead yet. She rose solidly to her feet. She glared furiously at the Jake-thing. “You…” she said, and jerked her head towards it. It flew through the air and smashed against a wall. “Will not…” The Jake-thing hurtled through the air into a tree. “Hurt…” The Jake-thing smashed into a telephone pole. “Jake.” The Jake-thing smacked back into the brick wall, and crumpled into a heap. It did not move. Mercy walked over to Jake’s prone form. She prodded it gently in the side with her shoe. He (it) didn’t move. She smiled slightly to herself, then collapsed in a heap on the ground. ------ Kelly dashed outside as soon as he heard the wall collapse. He imagined for a minute that he saw two figures moving around at unbelievable speed, then shook his head to rid himself of that thought. All he saw was Mercy and Jake tangled up in a pile of bricks. “My God… Somebody call 9-1-1, or whatever the hell you British have! Please, help me!” he shouted. A man Kelly didn’t recognize also lay nearby, apparently passed out; he realized almost immediately that it had to be the kidnapper. A wave of rage passed over him as he realized all the trouble the man had caused, but was quickly replaced by fear for both Jake and Mercy’s lives. He dashed over to Mercy, who seemed to be in pretty bad shape. “Mercy… Mercy… are you all right?” Mercy’s eyes fluttered, as if she was trying to open them. She opened her mouth, but all that came out was a whisper. Kelly leaned in closer to hear what she was saying. “Jake… is Jake…” “Jake is fine,” Kelly said, lying. He had no idea if Jake was even still alive. “Kelly… I don’t… think… I’ll make it through… this” she croaked almost silently. Kelly closed his eyes tightly, trying to hold back the tears he knew were on their way. For the first time in a long time that he could remember, he said a prayer. “God… if there is a God… please don’t do this to me. I… I don’t know if I could go on. Without Jake, I’m just … Kelly Rose, another bum of a college student. Without Mercy… I don’t know what I am. I… I love her. Please, don’t let her die.” Mercy’s eyes opened slowly. She smiled up at him, tears flooding her eyes. “Hold me, Kelly… I don’t think I have long.” Kelly wrapped his arms around her gently, cradling her like an injured child. He gave up trying to hold back his tears; they poured from his eyes like rain. Mercy’s eyes fluttered shut again, and her head lolled off to the side. But she wasn’t dead. She was still breathing. Just asleep. Or so he hoped. God help him, he hoped she was just sleeping. He sat there, cradling her in his arms, until the paramedics came to take Jake, her, and the kidnapper to the hospital. After they were gone, he sat huddled in the street, crying softly. Life isn’t supposed to be like this, he thought. It’s supposed to be all sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows. What the hell did I do to deserve this? What did Mercy and Jake do? Can you just tell me that? For some, it was an ending. For others, it was a beginning. For everyone, it was going to be forever different. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
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EVERYTHING JAKE is TM & (C) 2000-2011 by Mike Rosenzweig. |