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A little note: I have no idea why the message boards are loading so slow, I have no control over that-it's a Keenspot problem. I'm sure it's being worked on and will not be like that forever. Weekends have been tough for me strip wise, from now on Saturday and Sunday will be told in a short story format until I can manage my time better. Sorry for those of you who don't like to read. Saturday and Sunday. Strips 670 and 671 Jake goes to put his hands through his hair and acts surprised that there is a lot less hair there than there was an hour ago. He looks over at Kelly's shaved melon and fells a nauseous feeling. Kelly just kind of looks at him indifferently. "We… we have to do something…!" "We went over this, Jake, I don't think it's a big problem. I look sexy like this, and you, you're sexy too. I think that it will work in our favor, instead of against us." "But it looks like we went to the Salon to get-" "The what?" "What?" "Did you just say Salon?" "No. Why, is that what you heard?" "You said Salon, Jake, you went to the… `Salon' to get your hair cut… that's the funniest thing you've ever said. Today." "You're a cock, you know that, Kelly? Where'd you go to get your hair shaved off… the… the… Marines?!?" "Yeah, Jake, great comeback. 'The Marines'. Tight, dude, tight." "This nightmare gets worse and worse after every minute…" "Listen, if you want this to be fixed, there's only one guy I can think of to help you…" "Jesus?" "No." "Harry Potter?" "I'll pretend I didn't hear that. No, you fool, you have a problem that doesn't look like it could be fixed via norm-" "Wow, you used 'via' in a sentence, in 2002." "…. "You have a problem, you need it fixed, you go to Megoth, right?" * * * "Yo, Megoth, we gots ourselves a lil'pro--- what the hell are you doing?" "K… K…. Kelly… you…. You know…. You know I hate it when you walk in here without… with… with… FUCK, I hate this stutter!!!!! "And you know what pisses me off more, Kelly? Jake? You KNOW?!?" "Uh…" "Disposable diapers?" Jake shrugs. Megoth gives him a second longer of his cold stare, and then starts to rant and rave again. He doesn't seem to have noticed his two friends haircuts. "That she likes me… she really… really… rea--- FUCK!!! FUCKfuckFUCK!!!" "Whoa, nelly, Megoth, chill the f-heck out, m'man, what's going on?" Kelly walks over to his friend, who is obviously upset about something. Kelly puts his hand on Megoth's shoulder. "Talk to me, man…" Megoth talks about his time at the bar and his meeting with Melinda. He only gets so far when Jake stops him. "Wait… you said she doesn't have your type of eyes or hair or any of that… what is your type?" "Jake, can't you leave him alone, hasn't he been through enough?" "No, it's a good question, I… I… I never really thought about it." "Then how do you know she's not your type?" "Jake, really, leave him-" "No, again, Kelly, it's a good question. I guess my type would be in the Charlotte Church / Sarah Hughes variety." this caused both Kelly and Jake to stare at each other, then megoth, then each other, and back at megoth. "What, like, 15 year's old?" "Wait… whose Chruch?" "She's that singer… she's like, what, megoth, 15?" "I believe she's almost 17, but beatuy age knows not." "And Sarah Hughes? Dude, are you trying to get arrested?" "But… Kelly… have you ever really looked into her eyes? I see an old soul… I… I… I could love her." Yeah, more silence. And yet more silence Jake opens his mouth to say something, but then closes it again. Kelly finally speaks. "You're fucked up, megoth." "I… I don't expect someone like you, Kelly Rose, who may have any choice of females he--- what… what the hell did you guys do to your hair?!?!" ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
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EVERYTHING JAKE is TM & (C) 2000-2011 by Mike Rosenzweig. |