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I guess this became a mini-Everything Else. 04-12-02 Okay, here's the deal. There's a very, very valid reason I'm missing so many days of late and it does have more to do with moving and adjusting to my "new life". But I simply cannot tell any of you about it now. I'm sorry. You will all understand when I am able to talk about it. On the other hand, there will be three comic tonight sometime after 7pm EST, #'s 675, 676, 677 (yeah, saturdays will be drawn and it will be up friday night, as a, y'know, lil'gift). Sunday will be part text part art, and I'm hoping to get enough done to aviod further interuptions. No promises. Such is life. I also figured I give y'all something to look at until tonight, so go here, but only go there if you want my portion of the Keenspot Spotlight ruined. What? You don't know what the Keenspot Spotlight is?!? Well, you all should know right now that on Saturday, May 4th (the day after Spider-Man comes out) is Free Comics Day. I know what you're saying, everyday online is free comics day. But these are real comics. And they will be free to all of you (and me as well, but, hopefully, I'll be getting mine for free soon...). All you have to do is walk into a comic store and demand your free comics (make sure it's on May 4th, or else you will be arrested). I want everyone who reads EJake and who like it and who doesn't read real print comics to go to their local comic store and take part in this historic (and important) event. And Keenspot is giving out a print comic book called the Keenspot Spotlight, and there's an Ejake ad in it. The ad itself was kind of a breakthrough for me artistically (not design wise, we rushed that a wee bit). I'm really proud of the ad and if it only brings one person to the site I'll be happy (and a failure, but still happy). When my friend Ben tried to log on yesterday from his workplace he got an "website blocked" error message with the word "Tasteless" for the reason. I don't think Ejake is tasteless. I think it's funny. Ben's company should go fuck a dead pig and then die. See, that was tasteless. But funny. I still can't believe some of you have not heard about Free Comic Day. Bow your heads in shame. Go on then, bow them. It is very hard for me to post on the message boards of late because of my crappy, suck-ass connection to the internet. That, and the boards are slow as shit. It's not my fault, and believe me, Keen Tech guys from all over the country (possibly... the world?) are trying to fix the mudlike persona the boards have so happily made their own. They will be fixed. And everyone who reads Ejake should do themselves a favor (esp. today, with no new strip) and check out the ValentineJakes thread (that may not be the EXACT title, but it was put up by Neunstern and it contains her version of Ejake, but as if they were girlies-- it's brilliant). Go check that out and the Storytime thread, for some insight on Jake's first days in high school. That is, check them out only if you have superfast cable modem connection. Isn't great for Mets fans that you can't watch the Yankees on Cablevision? Nice Greatest Team Ever. Then again, I would have enjoyed watching as they lost to Toronto yesterday 11-3. Speaking of Toronto, I'll be going to the Wizard World East in Philly on May 10, 11, and 12, but I'll only be there on the 11 and 12. And if you don't know what this has to do with Toronto, well... Wizard World East in Philly on the 11 and 12 is a comic book convention in Philly. I'm not going to be at any fancy Keenspot table like I was in San Diego, i'm going as a fan. But if some of you are going and want to buy me drinks, or food, or airfare, just e-mail me or post. Other than that, good luck in finding me (but try at some of the real comic book publisher tables... I might be hanging around, begging for drinks, or food, or airfare. and Toronto is a city, like Philly, fools.) Nice strip today, eh? Seeya all tonight. M ![]() ![]() ![]() A note about the art: I'm just experimenting with a looser stlye. Just like the colored pencil, unless it starts to work, I'll abandon it. E-mail me from the link at the bottom of the page and tell me whatcha think. Or post on the super slow ass boards. :) Mike 4/12/02 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
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EVERYTHING JAKE is TM & (C) 2000-2011 by Mike Rosenzweig. |